Andrew Kelley 53d011fa1a (breaking) std.time fixups and API changes
Remove the constants that assume a base unit in favor of explicit
x_per_y constants.

nanosecond calendar timestamps now use i128 for the type. This affects
fs.File.Stat, std.time.nanoTimestamp, and fs.File.updateTimes.

calendar timestamps are now signed, because the value can be less than
the epoch (the user can set their computer time to whatever they wish).

implement std.os.clock_gettime for Windows when clock id is
2020-05-24 21:40:08 -04:00

140 lines
5.1 KiB

const std = @import("../std.zig");
const testing = std.testing;
/// Performs multiple async functions in parallel, without heap allocation.
/// Async function frames are managed externally to this abstraction, and
/// passed in via the `add` function. Once all the jobs are added, call `wait`.
/// This API is *not* thread-safe. The object must be accessed from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
pub fn Batch(
/// The return value for each job.
/// If a job slot was re-used due to maxed out concurrency, then its result
/// value will be overwritten. The values can be accessed with the `results` field.
comptime Result: type,
/// How many jobs to run in parallel.
comptime max_jobs: comptime_int,
/// Controls whether the `add` and `wait` functions will be async functions.
comptime async_behavior: enum {
/// Observe the value of `std.io.is_async` to decide whether `add`
/// and `wait` will be async functions. Asserts that the jobs do not suspend when
/// `std.io.mode == .blocking`. This is a generally safe assumption, and the
/// usual recommended option for this parameter.
/// Always uses the `nosuspend` keyword when using `await` on the jobs,
/// making `add` and `wait` non-async functions. Asserts that the jobs do not suspend.
/// `add` and `wait` use regular `await` keyword, making them async functions.
) type {
return struct {
jobs: [max_jobs]Job,
next_job_index: usize,
collected_result: CollectedResult,
const Job = struct {
frame: ?anyframe->Result,
result: Result,
const Self = @This();
const CollectedResult = switch (@typeInfo(Result)) {
.ErrorUnion => Result,
else => void,
const async_ok = switch (async_behavior) {
.auto_async => std.io.is_async,
.never_async => false,
.always_async => true,
pub fn init() Self {
return Self{
.jobs = [1]Job{
.frame = null,
.result = undefined,
} ** max_jobs,
.next_job_index = 0,
.collected_result = {},
/// Add a frame to the Batch. If all jobs are in-flight, then this function
/// waits until one completes.
/// This function is *not* thread-safe. It must be called from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
/// TODO: "select" language feature to use the next available slot, rather than
/// awaiting the next index.
pub fn add(self: *Self, frame: anyframe->Result) void {
const job = &self.jobs[self.next_job_index];
self.next_job_index = (self.next_job_index + 1) % max_jobs;
if (job.frame) |existing| {
job.result = if (async_ok) await existing else nosuspend await existing;
if (CollectedResult != void) {
job.result catch |err| {
self.collected_result = err;
job.frame = frame;
/// Wait for all the jobs to complete.
/// Safe to call any number of times.
/// If `Result` is an error union, this function returns the last error that occurred, if any.
/// Unlike the `results` field, the return value of `wait` will report any error that occurred;
/// hitting max parallelism will not compromise the result.
/// This function is *not* thread-safe. It must be called from one thread at
/// a time, however, it need not be the same thread.
pub fn wait(self: *Self) CollectedResult {
for (self.jobs) |*job| if (job.frame) |f| {
job.result = if (async_ok) await f else nosuspend await f;
if (CollectedResult != void) {
job.result catch |err| {
self.collected_result = err;
job.frame = null;
return self.collected_result;
test "std.event.Batch" {
var count: usize = 0;
var batch = Batch(void, 2, .auto_async).init();
batch.add(&async sleepALittle(&count));
batch.add(&async increaseByTen(&count));
testing.expect(count == 11);
var another = Batch(anyerror!void, 2, .auto_async).init();
another.add(&async somethingElse());
another.add(&async doSomethingThatFails());
testing.expectError(error.ItBroke, another.wait());
fn sleepALittle(count: *usize) void {
std.time.sleep(1 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
fn increaseByTen(count: *usize) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 10) : (i += 1) {
_ = @atomicRmw(usize, count, .Add, 1, .SeqCst);
fn doSomethingThatFails() anyerror!void {}
fn somethingElse() anyerror!void {
return error.ItBroke;