2020-05-25 19:46:28 -04:00

710 lines
24 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const Blake3 = std.crypto.Blake3;
const fs = std.fs;
const base64 = std.base64;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const mem = std.mem;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const base64_encoder = fs.base64_encoder;
const base64_decoder = fs.base64_decoder;
/// This is 70 more bits than UUIDs. For an analysis of probability of collisions, see:
/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Collisions
const BIN_DIGEST_LEN = 24;
const BASE64_DIGEST_LEN = base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(BIN_DIGEST_LEN);
const MANIFEST_FILE_SIZE_MAX = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
pub const File = struct {
path: ?[]const u8,
max_file_size: ?usize,
stat: fs.File.Stat,
bin_digest: [BIN_DIGEST_LEN]u8,
contents: ?[]const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: *File, allocator: *Allocator) void {
if (self.path) |owned_slice| {
self.path = null;
if (self.contents) |contents| {
self.contents = null;
self.* = undefined;
pub const CacheHash = struct {
allocator: *Allocator,
blake3: Blake3,
manifest_dir: fs.Dir,
manifest_file: ?fs.File,
manifest_dirty: bool,
files: ArrayList(File),
b64_digest: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8,
/// Be sure to call release after successful initialization.
pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, dir: fs.Dir, manifest_dir_path: []const u8) !CacheHash {
return CacheHash{
.allocator = allocator,
.blake3 = Blake3.init(),
.manifest_dir = try dir.makeOpenPath(manifest_dir_path, .{}),
.manifest_file = null,
.manifest_dirty = false,
.files = ArrayList(File).init(allocator),
.b64_digest = undefined,
/// Record a slice of bytes as an dependency of the process being cached
pub fn addSlice(self: *CacheHash, val: []const u8) void {
assert(self.manifest_file == null);
/// Convert the input value into bytes and record it as a dependency of the
/// process being cached
pub fn add(self: *CacheHash, val: var) void {
assert(self.manifest_file == null);
const valPtr = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(val))) {
.Int => &val,
.Pointer => val,
else => &val,
/// Add a file as a dependency of process being cached. When `CacheHash.hit` is
/// called, the file's contents will be checked to ensure that it matches
/// the contents from previous times.
/// Max file size will be used to determine the amount of space to the file contents
/// are allowed to take up in memory. If max_file_size is null, then the contents
/// will not be loaded into memory.
/// Returns the index of the entry in the `CacheHash.files` ArrayList. You can use it
/// to access the contents of the file after calling `CacheHash.hit()` like so:
/// ```
/// var file_contents = cache_hash.files.items[file_index].contents.?;
/// ```
pub fn addFile(self: *CacheHash, file_path: []const u8, max_file_size: ?usize) !usize {
assert(self.manifest_file == null);
try self.files.ensureCapacity(self.files.items.len + 1);
const resolved_path = try fs.path.resolve(self.allocator, &[_][]const u8{file_path});
const idx = self.files.items.len;
self.files.addOneAssumeCapacity().* = .{
.path = resolved_path,
.contents = null,
.max_file_size = max_file_size,
.stat = undefined,
.bin_digest = undefined,
return idx;
/// Check the cache to see if the input exists in it. If it exists, a base64 encoding
/// of it's hash will be returned; otherwise, null will be returned.
/// This function will also acquire an exclusive lock to the manifest file. This means
/// that a process holding a CacheHash will block any other process attempting to
/// acquire the lock.
/// The lock on the manifest file is released when `CacheHash.release` is called.
pub fn hit(self: *CacheHash) !?[BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 {
assert(self.manifest_file == null);
var bin_digest: [BIN_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
base64_encoder.encode(self.b64_digest[0..], &bin_digest);
self.blake3 = Blake3.init();
const manifest_file_path = try fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "{}.txt", .{self.b64_digest});
defer self.allocator.free(manifest_file_path);
if (self.files.items.len != 0) {
self.manifest_file = try self.manifest_dir.createFile(manifest_file_path, .{
.read = true,
.truncate = false,
.lock = .Exclusive,
} else {
// If there are no file inputs, we check if the manifest file exists instead of
// comparing the hashes on the files used for the cached item
self.manifest_file = self.manifest_dir.openFile(manifest_file_path, .{
.read = true,
.write = true,
.lock = .Exclusive,
}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
self.manifest_dirty = true;
self.manifest_file = try self.manifest_dir.createFile(manifest_file_path, .{
.read = true,
.truncate = false,
.lock = .Exclusive,
return null;
else => |e| return e,
const file_contents = try self.manifest_file.?.inStream().readAllAlloc(self.allocator, MANIFEST_FILE_SIZE_MAX);
defer self.allocator.free(file_contents);
const input_file_count = self.files.items.len;
var any_file_changed = false;
var line_iter = mem.tokenize(file_contents, "\n");
var idx: usize = 0;
while (line_iter.next()) |line| {
defer idx += 1;
const cache_hash_file = if (idx < input_file_count) &self.files.items[idx] else blk: {
const new = try self.files.addOne();
new.* = .{
.path = null,
.contents = null,
.max_file_size = null,
.stat = undefined,
.bin_digest = undefined,
break :blk new;
var iter = mem.tokenize(line, " ");
const inode = iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidFormat;
const mtime_nsec_str = iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidFormat;
const digest_str = iter.next() orelse return error.InvalidFormat;
const file_path = iter.rest();
cache_hash_file.stat.inode = fmt.parseInt(fs.File.INode, mtime_nsec_str, 10) catch return error.InvalidFormat;
cache_hash_file.stat.mtime = fmt.parseInt(i64, mtime_nsec_str, 10) catch return error.InvalidFormat;
base64_decoder.decode(&cache_hash_file.bin_digest, digest_str) catch return error.InvalidFormat;
if (file_path.len == 0) {
return error.InvalidFormat;
if (cache_hash_file.path) |p| {
if (!mem.eql(u8, file_path, p)) {
return error.InvalidFormat;
if (cache_hash_file.path == null) {
cache_hash_file.path = try mem.dupe(self.allocator, u8, file_path);
const this_file = fs.cwd().openFile(cache_hash_file.path.?, .{ .read = true }) catch {
return error.CacheUnavailable;
defer this_file.close();
const actual_stat = try this_file.stat();
const mtime_match = actual_stat.mtime == cache_hash_file.stat.mtime;
const inode_match = actual_stat.inode == cache_hash_file.stat.inode;
if (!mtime_match or !inode_match) {
self.manifest_dirty = true;
cache_hash_file.stat = actual_stat;
if (isProblematicTimestamp(cache_hash_file.stat.mtime)) {
cache_hash_file.stat.mtime = 0;
cache_hash_file.stat.inode = 0;
var actual_digest: [BIN_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
try hashFile(this_file, &actual_digest);
if (!mem.eql(u8, &cache_hash_file.bin_digest, &actual_digest)) {
cache_hash_file.bin_digest = actual_digest;
// keep going until we have the input file digests
any_file_changed = true;
if (!any_file_changed) {
if (any_file_changed) {
// cache miss
// keep the manifest file open
// reset the hash
self.blake3 = Blake3.init();
// Remove files not in the initial hash
for (self.files.items[input_file_count..]) |*file| {
for (self.files.items) |file| {
return null;
if (idx < input_file_count) {
self.manifest_dirty = true;
while (idx < input_file_count) : (idx += 1) {
const ch_file = &self.files.items[idx];
try self.populateFileHash(ch_file);
return null;
return self.final();
fn populateFileHash(self: *CacheHash, ch_file: *File) !void {
const file = try fs.cwd().openFile(ch_file.path.?, .{});
defer file.close();
ch_file.stat = try file.stat();
if (isProblematicTimestamp(ch_file.stat.mtime)) {
ch_file.stat.mtime = 0;
ch_file.stat.inode = 0;
if (ch_file.max_file_size) |max_file_size| {
if (ch_file.stat.size > max_file_size) {
return error.FileTooBig;
const contents = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, @intCast(usize, ch_file.stat.size));
errdefer self.allocator.free(contents);
// Hash while reading from disk, to keep the contents in the cpu cache while
// doing hashing.
var blake3 = Blake3.init();
var off: usize = 0;
while (true) {
// give me everything you've got, captain
const bytes_read = try file.read(contents[off..]);
if (bytes_read == 0) break;
off += bytes_read;
ch_file.contents = contents;
} else {
try hashFile(file, &ch_file.bin_digest);
/// Add a file as a dependency of process being cached, after the initial hash has been
/// calculated. This is useful for processes that don't know the all the files that
/// are depended on ahead of time. For example, a source file that can import other files
/// will need to be recompiled if the imported file is changed.
pub fn addFilePostFetch(self: *CacheHash, file_path: []const u8, max_file_size: usize) ![]u8 {
assert(self.manifest_file != null);
const resolved_path = try fs.path.resolve(self.allocator, &[_][]const u8{file_path});
errdefer self.allocator.free(resolved_path);
const new_ch_file = try self.files.addOne();
new_ch_file.* = .{
.path = resolved_path,
.max_file_size = max_file_size,
.stat = undefined,
.bin_digest = undefined,
.contents = null,
errdefer self.files.shrink(self.files.items.len - 1);
try self.populateFileHash(new_ch_file);
return new_ch_file.contents.?;
/// Add a file as a dependency of process being cached, after the initial hash has been
/// calculated. This is useful for processes that don't know the all the files that
/// are depended on ahead of time. For example, a source file that can import other files
/// will need to be recompiled if the imported file is changed.
pub fn addFilePost(self: *CacheHash, file_path: []const u8) !void {
assert(self.manifest_file != null);
const resolved_path = try fs.path.resolve(self.allocator, &[_][]const u8{file_path});
errdefer self.allocator.free(resolved_path);
const new_ch_file = try self.files.addOne();
new_ch_file.* = .{
.path = resolved_path,
.max_file_size = null,
.stat = undefined,
.bin_digest = undefined,
.contents = null,
errdefer self.files.shrink(self.files.items.len - 1);
try self.populateFileHash(new_ch_file);
/// Returns a base64 encoded hash of the inputs.
pub fn final(self: *CacheHash) [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 {
assert(self.manifest_file != null);
// We don't close the manifest file yet, because we want to
// keep it locked until the API user is done using it.
// We also don't write out the manifest yet, because until
// cache_release is called we still might be working on creating
// the artifacts to cache.
var bin_digest: [BIN_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var out_digest: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
base64_encoder.encode(&out_digest, &bin_digest);
return out_digest;
pub fn writeManifest(self: *CacheHash) !void {
assert(self.manifest_file != null);
var encoded_digest: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var contents = ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
var outStream = contents.outStream();
defer contents.deinit();
for (self.files.items) |file| {
base64_encoder.encode(encoded_digest[0..], &file.bin_digest);
try outStream.print("{} {} {} {}\n", .{ file.stat.inode, file.stat.mtime, encoded_digest[0..], file.path });
try self.manifest_file.?.pwriteAll(contents.items, 0);
self.manifest_dirty = false;
/// Releases the manifest file and frees any memory the CacheHash was using.
/// `CacheHash.hit` must be called first.
/// Will also attempt to write to the manifest file if the manifest is dirty.
/// Writing to the manifest file can fail, but this function ignores those errors.
/// To detect failures from writing the manifest, one may explicitly call
/// `writeManifest` before `release`.
pub fn release(self: *CacheHash) void {
if (self.manifest_file) |file| {
if (self.manifest_dirty) {
// To handle these errors, API users should call
// writeManifest before release().
self.writeManifest() catch {};
for (self.files.items) |*file| {
fn hashFile(file: fs.File, bin_digest: []u8) !void {
var blake3 = Blake3.init();
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const bytes_read = try file.read(&buf);
if (bytes_read == 0) break;
/// If the wall clock time, rounded to the same precision as the
/// mtime, is equal to the mtime, then we cannot rely on this mtime
/// yet. We will instead save an mtime value that indicates the hash
/// must be unconditionally computed.
/// This function recognizes the precision of mtime by looking at trailing
/// zero bits of the seconds and nanoseconds.
fn isProblematicTimestamp(fs_clock: i128) bool {
const wall_clock = std.time.nanoTimestamp();
// We have to break the nanoseconds into seconds and remainder nanoseconds
// to detect precision of seconds, because looking at the zero bits in base
// 2 would not detect precision of the seconds value.
const fs_sec = @intCast(i64, @divFloor(fs_clock, std.time.ns_per_s));
const fs_nsec = @intCast(i64, @mod(fs_clock, std.time.ns_per_s));
var wall_sec = @intCast(i64, @divFloor(wall_clock, std.time.ns_per_s));
var wall_nsec = @intCast(i64, @mod(wall_clock, std.time.ns_per_s));
// First make all the least significant zero bits in the fs_clock, also zero bits in the wall clock.
if (fs_nsec == 0) {
wall_nsec = 0;
if (fs_sec == 0) {
wall_sec = 0;
} else {
wall_sec &= @as(i64, -1) << @intCast(u6, @ctz(i64, fs_sec));
} else {
wall_nsec &= @as(i64, -1) << @intCast(u6, @ctz(i64, fs_nsec));
return wall_nsec == fs_nsec and wall_sec == fs_sec;
test "cache file and then recall it" {
if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .wasi) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5437
return error.SkipZigTest;
const cwd = fs.cwd();
const temp_file = "test.txt";
const temp_manifest_dir = "temp_manifest_dir";
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file, "Hello, world!\n");
while (isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp())) {
var digest1: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var digest2: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
ch.add(@as(u16, 1234));
_ = try ch.addFile(temp_file, null);
// There should be nothing in the cache
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
digest1 = ch.final();
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
ch.add(@as(u16, 1234));
_ = try ch.addFile(temp_file, null);
// Cache hit! We just "built" the same file
digest2 = (try ch.hit()).?;
testing.expectEqual(digest1, digest2);
try cwd.deleteTree(temp_manifest_dir);
try cwd.deleteFile(temp_file);
test "give problematic timestamp" {
var fs_clock = std.time.nanoTimestamp();
// to make it problematic, we make it only accurate to the second
fs_clock = @divTrunc(fs_clock, std.time.ns_per_s);
fs_clock *= std.time.ns_per_s;
test "give nonproblematic timestamp" {
testing.expect(!isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp() - std.time.ns_per_s));
test "check that changing a file makes cache fail" {
if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .wasi) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5437
return error.SkipZigTest;
const cwd = fs.cwd();
const temp_file = "cache_hash_change_file_test.txt";
const temp_manifest_dir = "cache_hash_change_file_manifest_dir";
const original_temp_file_contents = "Hello, world!\n";
const updated_temp_file_contents = "Hello, world; but updated!\n";
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file, original_temp_file_contents);
while (isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp())) {
var digest1: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var digest2: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
const temp_file_idx = try ch.addFile(temp_file, 100);
// There should be nothing in the cache
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, original_temp_file_contents, ch.files.items[temp_file_idx].contents.?));
digest1 = ch.final();
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file, updated_temp_file_contents);
while (isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp())) {
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
const temp_file_idx = try ch.addFile(temp_file, 100);
// A file that we depend on has been updated, so the cache should not contain an entry for it
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
// The cache system does not keep the contents of re-hashed input files.
testing.expect(ch.files.items[temp_file_idx].contents == null);
digest2 = ch.final();
testing.expect(!mem.eql(u8, digest1[0..], digest2[0..]));
try cwd.deleteTree(temp_manifest_dir);
try cwd.deleteFile(temp_file);
test "no file inputs" {
if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .wasi) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5437
return error.SkipZigTest;
const cwd = fs.cwd();
const temp_manifest_dir = "no_file_inputs_manifest_dir";
defer cwd.deleteTree(temp_manifest_dir) catch unreachable;
var digest1: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var digest2: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
// There should be nothing in the cache
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
digest1 = ch.final();
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
digest2 = (try ch.hit()).?;
testing.expectEqual(digest1, digest2);
test "CacheHashes with files added after initial hash work" {
if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .wasi) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5437
return error.SkipZigTest;
const cwd = fs.cwd();
const temp_file1 = "cache_hash_post_file_test1.txt";
const temp_file2 = "cache_hash_post_file_test2.txt";
const temp_manifest_dir = "cache_hash_post_file_manifest_dir";
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file1, "Hello, world!\n");
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file2, "Hello world the second!\n");
while (isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp())) {
var digest1: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var digest2: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var digest3: [BASE64_DIGEST_LEN]u8 = undefined;
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
_ = try ch.addFile(temp_file1, null);
// There should be nothing in the cache
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
_ = try ch.addFilePost(temp_file2);
digest1 = ch.final();
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
_ = try ch.addFile(temp_file1, null);
digest2 = (try ch.hit()).?;
testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, &digest1, &digest2));
// Modify the file added after initial hash
try cwd.writeFile(temp_file2, "Hello world the second, updated\n");
while (isProblematicTimestamp(std.time.nanoTimestamp())) {
var ch = try CacheHash.init(testing.allocator, cwd, temp_manifest_dir);
defer ch.release();
_ = try ch.addFile(temp_file1, null);
// A file that we depend on has been updated, so the cache should not contain an entry for it
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[32]u8, null), try ch.hit());
_ = try ch.addFilePost(temp_file2);
digest3 = ch.final();
testing.expect(!mem.eql(u8, &digest1, &digest3));
try cwd.deleteTree(temp_manifest_dir);
try cwd.deleteFile(temp_file1);
try cwd.deleteFile(temp_file2);