mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 18:38:45 +00:00
Remove the constants that assume a base unit in favor of explicit x_per_y constants. nanosecond calendar timestamps now use i128 for the type. This affects fs.File.Stat, std.time.nanoTimestamp, and fs.File.updateTimes. calendar timestamps are now signed, because the value can be less than the epoch (the user can set their computer time to whatever they wish). implement std.os.clock_gettime for Windows when clock id is CLOCK_CALENDAR.
437 lines
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437 lines
14 KiB
const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const testing = std.testing;
const SpinLock = std.SpinLock;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const c = std.c;
const os = std.os;
const time = std.time;
const linux = os.linux;
const windows = os.windows;
/// A resource object which supports blocking until signaled.
/// Once finished, the `deinit()` method should be called for correctness.
pub const ResetEvent = struct {
os_event: OsEvent,
pub const OsEvent = if (builtin.single_threaded)
else if (builtin.link_libc and builtin.os.tag != .windows and builtin.os.tag != .linux)
pub fn init() ResetEvent {
return ResetEvent{ .os_event = OsEvent.init() };
pub fn deinit(self: *ResetEvent) void {
/// Returns whether or not the event is currenetly set
pub fn isSet(self: *ResetEvent) bool {
return self.os_event.isSet();
/// Sets the event if not already set and
/// wakes up all the threads waiting on the event.
pub fn set(self: *ResetEvent) void {
return self.os_event.set();
/// Resets the event to its original, unset state.
pub fn reset(self: *ResetEvent) void {
return self.os_event.reset();
/// Wait for the event to be set by blocking the current thread.
pub fn wait(self: *ResetEvent) void {
return self.os_event.wait(null) catch unreachable;
/// Wait for the event to be set by blocking the current thread.
/// A timeout in nanoseconds can be provided as a hint for how
/// long the thread should block on the unset event before throwing error.TimedOut.
pub fn timedWait(self: *ResetEvent, timeout_ns: u64) !void {
return self.os_event.wait(timeout_ns);
const DebugEvent = struct {
is_set: bool,
fn init() DebugEvent {
return DebugEvent{ .is_set = false };
fn deinit(self: *DebugEvent) void {
self.* = undefined;
fn isSet(self: *DebugEvent) bool {
return self.is_set;
fn reset(self: *DebugEvent) void {
self.is_set = false;
fn set(self: *DebugEvent) void {
self.is_set = true;
fn wait(self: *DebugEvent, timeout: ?u64) !void {
if (self.is_set)
if (timeout != null)
return error.TimedOut;
@panic("deadlock detected");
const PosixEvent = struct {
is_set: bool,
cond: c.pthread_cond_t,
mutex: c.pthread_mutex_t,
fn init() PosixEvent {
return PosixEvent{
.is_set = false,
fn deinit(self: *PosixEvent) void {
// on dragonfly, *destroy() functions can return EINVAL
// for statically initialized pthread structures
const err = if (builtin.os.tag == .dragonfly) os.EINVAL else 0;
const retm = c.pthread_mutex_destroy(&self.mutex);
assert(retm == 0 or retm == err);
const retc = c.pthread_cond_destroy(&self.cond);
assert(retc == 0 or retc == err);
fn isSet(self: *PosixEvent) bool {
assert(c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
return self.is_set;
fn reset(self: *PosixEvent) void {
assert(c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
self.is_set = false;
fn set(self: *PosixEvent) void {
assert(c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
if (!self.is_set) {
self.is_set = true;
assert(c.pthread_cond_broadcast(&self.cond) == 0);
fn wait(self: *PosixEvent, timeout: ?u64) !void {
assert(c.pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex) == 0);
defer assert(c.pthread_mutex_unlock(&self.mutex) == 0);
// quick guard before possibly calling time syscalls below
if (self.is_set)
var ts: os.timespec = undefined;
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
var timeout_abs = timeout_ns;
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
var tv: os.darwin.timeval = undefined;
assert(os.darwin.gettimeofday(&tv, null) == 0);
timeout_abs += @intCast(u64, tv.tv_sec) * time.ns_per_s;
timeout_abs += @intCast(u64, tv.tv_usec) * time.us_per_s;
} else {
os.clock_gettime(os.CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) catch unreachable;
timeout_abs += @intCast(u64, ts.tv_sec) * time.ns_per_s;
timeout_abs += @intCast(u64, ts.tv_nsec);
ts.tv_sec = @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_sec), @divFloor(timeout_abs, time.ns_per_s));
ts.tv_nsec = @intCast(@TypeOf(ts.tv_nsec), @mod(timeout_abs, time.ns_per_s));
while (!self.is_set) {
const rc = switch (timeout == null) {
true => c.pthread_cond_wait(&self.cond, &self.mutex),
else => c.pthread_cond_timedwait(&self.cond, &self.mutex, &ts),
switch (rc) {
0 => {},
os.ETIMEDOUT => return error.TimedOut,
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
os.EPERM => unreachable,
else => unreachable,
const AtomicEvent = struct {
waiters: u32,
const WAKE = 1 << 0;
const WAIT = 1 << 1;
fn init() AtomicEvent {
return AtomicEvent{ .waiters = 0 };
fn deinit(self: *AtomicEvent) void {
self.* = undefined;
fn isSet(self: *const AtomicEvent) bool {
return @atomicLoad(u32, &self.waiters, .Acquire) == WAKE;
fn reset(self: *AtomicEvent) void {
@atomicStore(u32, &self.waiters, 0, .Monotonic);
fn set(self: *AtomicEvent) void {
const waiters = @atomicRmw(u32, &self.waiters, .Xchg, WAKE, .Release);
if (waiters >= WAIT) {
return Futex.wake(&self.waiters, waiters >> 1);
fn wait(self: *AtomicEvent, timeout: ?u64) !void {
var waiters = @atomicLoad(u32, &self.waiters, .Acquire);
while (waiters != WAKE) {
waiters = @cmpxchgWeak(u32, &self.waiters, waiters, waiters + WAIT, .Acquire, .Acquire) orelse return Futex.wait(&self.waiters, timeout);
pub const Futex = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => WindowsFutex,
.linux => LinuxFutex,
else => SpinFutex,
const SpinFutex = struct {
fn wake(waiters: *u32, wake_count: u32) void {}
fn wait(waiters: *u32, timeout: ?u64) !void {
// TODO: handle platforms where a monotonic timer isnt available
var timer: time.Timer = undefined;
if (timeout != null)
timer = time.Timer.start() catch unreachable;
while (@atomicLoad(u32, waiters, .Acquire) != WAKE) {
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
if (timer.read() >= timeout_ns)
return error.TimedOut;
const LinuxFutex = struct {
fn wake(waiters: *u32, wake_count: u32) void {
const waiting = std.math.maxInt(i32); // wake_count
const ptr = @ptrCast(*const i32, waiters);
const rc = linux.futex_wake(ptr, linux.FUTEX_WAKE | linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG, waiting);
assert(linux.getErrno(rc) == 0);
fn wait(waiters: *u32, timeout: ?u64) !void {
var ts: linux.timespec = undefined;
var ts_ptr: ?*linux.timespec = null;
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
ts_ptr = &ts;
ts.tv_sec = @intCast(isize, timeout_ns / time.ns_per_s);
ts.tv_nsec = @intCast(isize, timeout_ns % time.ns_per_s);
while (true) {
const waiting = @atomicLoad(u32, waiters, .Acquire);
if (waiting == WAKE)
const expected = @intCast(i32, waiting);
const ptr = @ptrCast(*const i32, waiters);
const rc = linux.futex_wait(ptr, linux.FUTEX_WAIT | linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG, expected, ts_ptr);
switch (linux.getErrno(rc)) {
0 => continue,
os.ETIMEDOUT => return error.TimedOut,
os.EINTR => continue,
os.EAGAIN => return,
else => unreachable,
const WindowsFutex = struct {
pub fn wake(waiters: *u32, wake_count: u32) void {
const handle = getEventHandle() orelse return SpinFutex.wake(waiters, wake_count);
const key = @ptrCast(*const c_void, waiters);
var waiting = wake_count;
while (waiting != 0) : (waiting -= 1) {
const rc = windows.ntdll.NtReleaseKeyedEvent(handle, key, windows.FALSE, null);
assert(rc == .SUCCESS);
pub fn wait(waiters: *u32, timeout: ?u64) !void {
const handle = getEventHandle() orelse return SpinFutex.wait(waiters, timeout);
const key = @ptrCast(*const c_void, waiters);
// NT uses timeouts in units of 100ns with negative value being relative
var timeout_ptr: ?*windows.LARGE_INTEGER = null;
var timeout_value: windows.LARGE_INTEGER = undefined;
if (timeout) |timeout_ns| {
timeout_ptr = &timeout_value;
timeout_value = -@intCast(windows.LARGE_INTEGER, timeout_ns / 100);
// NtWaitForKeyedEvent doesnt have spurious wake-ups
var rc = windows.ntdll.NtWaitForKeyedEvent(handle, key, windows.FALSE, timeout_ptr);
switch (rc) {
// update the wait count to signal that we're not waiting anymore.
// if the .set() thread already observed that we are, perform a
// matching NtWaitForKeyedEvent so that the .set() thread doesn't
// deadlock trying to run NtReleaseKeyedEvent above.
var waiting = @atomicLoad(u32, waiters, .Monotonic);
while (true) {
if (waiting == WAKE) {
rc = windows.ntdll.NtWaitForKeyedEvent(handle, key, windows.FALSE, null);
assert(rc == .WAIT_0);
} else {
waiting = @cmpxchgWeak(u32, waiters, waiting, waiting - WAIT, .Acquire, .Monotonic) orelse break;
return error.TimedOut;
.WAIT_0 => {},
else => unreachable,
var event_handle: usize = EMPTY;
const EMPTY = ~@as(usize, 0);
const LOADING = EMPTY - 1;
pub fn getEventHandle() ?windows.HANDLE {
var handle = @atomicLoad(usize, &event_handle, .Monotonic);
while (true) {
switch (handle) {
EMPTY => handle = @cmpxchgWeak(usize, &event_handle, EMPTY, LOADING, .Acquire, .Monotonic) orelse {
const handle_ptr = @ptrCast(*windows.HANDLE, &handle);
const access_mask = windows.GENERIC_READ | windows.GENERIC_WRITE;
if (windows.ntdll.NtCreateKeyedEvent(handle_ptr, access_mask, null, 0) != .SUCCESS)
handle = 0;
@atomicStore(usize, &event_handle, handle, .Monotonic);
return @intToPtr(?windows.HANDLE, handle);
handle = @atomicLoad(usize, &event_handle, .Monotonic);
else => {
return @intToPtr(?windows.HANDLE, handle);
test "std.ResetEvent" {
var event = ResetEvent.init();
defer event.deinit();
// test event setting
testing.expect(event.isSet() == false);
testing.expect(event.isSet() == true);
// test event resetting
testing.expect(event.isSet() == false);
// test event waiting (non-blocking)
try event.timedWait(1);
// test cross-thread signaling
if (builtin.single_threaded)
const Context = struct {
const Self = @This();
value: u128,
in: ResetEvent,
out: ResetEvent,
fn init() Self {
return Self{
.value = 0,
.in = ResetEvent.init(),
.out = ResetEvent.init(),
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.* = undefined;
fn sender(self: *Self) void {
// update value and signal input
testing.expect(self.value == 0);
self.value = 1;
// wait for receiver to update value and signal output
testing.expect(self.value == 2);
// update value and signal final input
self.value = 3;
fn receiver(self: *Self) void {
// wait for sender to update value and signal input
assert(self.value == 1);
// update value and signal output
self.value = 2;
// wait for sender to update value and signal final input
assert(self.value == 3);
var context = Context.init();
defer context.deinit();
const receiver = try std.Thread.spawn(&context, Context.receiver);
defer receiver.wait();