Jakub Konka d43c08a3e5 Add/fix missing WASI functionality to pass libstd tests
This rather large commit adds/fixes missing WASI functionality
in `libstd` needed to pass the `libstd` tests. As such, now by
default tests targeting `wasm32-wasi` target are enabled in
`test/tests.zig` module. However, they can be disabled by passing
the `-Dskip-wasi=true` flag when invoking the `zig build test`
command. When the flag is set to `false`, i.e., when WASI tests are
included, `wasmtime` with `--dir=.` is used as the default testing

Since the majority of `libstd` tests were relying on `fs.cwd()`
call to get current working directory handle wrapped in `Dir`
struct, in order to make the tests WASI-friendly, `fs.cwd()`
call was replaced with `testing.getTestDir()` function which
resolved to either `fs.cwd()` for non-WASI targets, or tries to
fetch the preopen list from the WASI runtime and extract a
preopen for '.' path.

The summary of changes introduced by this commit:
* implement `Dir.makeDir` and `Dir.openDir` targeting WASI
* implement `Dir.deleteFile` and `Dir.deleteDir` targeting WASI
* fix `os.close` and map errors in `unlinkat`
* move WASI-specific `mkdirat` and `unlinkat` from `std.fs.wasi`
  to `std.os` module
* implement `lseek_{SET, CUR, END}` targeting WASI
* implement `futimens` targeting WASI
* implement `ftruncate` targeting WASI
* implement `readv`, `writev`, `pread{v}`, `pwrite{v}` targeting WASI
* make sure ANSI escape codes are _not_ used in stderr or stdout
  in WASI, as WASI always sanitizes stderr, and sanitizes stdout if
  fd is a TTY
* fix specifying WASI rights when opening/creating files/dirs
* tweak `AtomicFile` to be WASI-compatible
* implement `os.renameatWasi` for WASI-compliant `os.renameat` function
* implement sleep() targeting WASI
* fix `process.getEnvMap` targeting WASI
2020-05-18 16:09:49 +02:00

65 lines
2.6 KiB

const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const unicode = std.unicode;
const mem = std.mem;
const fs = std.fs;
const os = std.os;
pub const GetAppDataDirError = error{
/// Caller owns returned memory.
/// TODO determine if we can remove the allocator requirement
pub fn getAppDataDir(allocator: *mem.Allocator, appname: []const u8) GetAppDataDirError![]u8 {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
var dir_path_ptr: [*:0]u16 = undefined;
switch (os.windows.shell32.SHGetKnownFolderPath(
)) {
os.windows.S_OK => {
defer os.windows.ole32.CoTaskMemFree(@ptrCast(*c_void, dir_path_ptr));
const global_dir = unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, mem.spanZ(dir_path_ptr)) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnexpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
error.ExpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
error.DanglingSurrogateHalf => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
defer allocator.free(global_dir);
return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ global_dir, appname });
os.windows.E_OUTOFMEMORY => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
.macosx => {
const home_dir = os.getenv("HOME") orelse {
// TODO look in /etc/passwd
return error.AppDataDirUnavailable;
return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ home_dir, "Library", "Application Support", appname });
.linux, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
const home_dir = os.getenv("HOME") orelse {
// TODO look in /etc/passwd
return error.AppDataDirUnavailable;
return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ home_dir, ".local", "share", appname });
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
test "getAppDataDir" {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi) return error.SkipZigTest;
// We can't actually validate the result
const dir = getAppDataDir(std.testing.allocator, "zig") catch return;
defer std.testing.allocator.free(dir);