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synced 2024-12-04 19:09:32 +00:00
The purpose of this is: * Only one way to do things * Changing a function with void return type to return a possible error becomes a 1 character change, subtly encouraging people to use errors. See #632 Here are some imperfect sed commands for performing this update: remove arrow: ``` sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\)-> /\1/g' $(find . -name "*.zig") ``` add void: ``` sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\))\s*{/\1) void {/g' $(find ../ -name "*.zig") ``` Some cleanup may be necessary, but this should do the bulk of the work.
23 lines
781 B
23 lines
781 B
const debug = @import("../debug/index.zig");
const mem = @import("../mem.zig");
const fmt = @import("../fmt/index.zig");
// Hash using the specified hasher `H` asserting `expected == H(input)`.
pub fn assertEqualHash(comptime Hasher: var, comptime expected: []const u8, input: []const u8) void {
var h: [expected.len / 2]u8 = undefined;
Hasher.hash(input, h[0..]);
assertEqual(expected, h);
// Assert `expected` == `input` where `input` is a bytestring.
pub fn assertEqual(comptime expected: []const u8, input: []const u8) void {
var expected_bytes: [expected.len / 2]u8 = undefined;
for (expected_bytes) |*r, i| {
*r = fmt.parseInt(u8, expected[2*i .. 2*i+2], 16) catch unreachable;
debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, expected_bytes, input));