
1827 lines
70 KiB

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
/// Euler's number (e)
pub const e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995;
/// Archimedes' constant (π)
pub const pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;
/// Phi or Golden ratio constant (Φ) = (1 + sqrt(5))/2
pub const phi = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621;
/// Circle constant (τ)
pub const tau = 2 * pi;
/// log2(e)
pub const log2e = 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137;
/// log10(e)
pub const log10e = 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082;
/// ln(2)
pub const ln2 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568;
/// ln(10)
pub const ln10 = 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208;
/// 2/sqrt(π)
pub const two_sqrtpi = 1.128379167095512573896158903121545172;
/// sqrt(2)
pub const sqrt2 = 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079;
/// 1/sqrt(2)
pub const sqrt1_2 = 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039;
pub const floatExponentBits = @import("math/float.zig").floatExponentBits;
pub const floatMantissaBits = @import("math/float.zig").floatMantissaBits;
pub const floatFractionalBits = @import("math/float.zig").floatFractionalBits;
pub const floatExponentMin = @import("math/float.zig").floatExponentMin;
pub const floatExponentMax = @import("math/float.zig").floatExponentMax;
pub const floatTrueMin = @import("math/float.zig").floatTrueMin;
pub const floatMin = @import("math/float.zig").floatMin;
pub const floatMax = @import("math/float.zig").floatMax;
pub const floatEps = @import("math/float.zig").floatEps;
pub const inf = @import("math/float.zig").inf;
pub const f16_true_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatTrueMin(f16)` instead");
pub const f32_true_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatTrueMin(f32)` instead");
pub const f64_true_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatTrueMin(f64)` instead");
pub const f80_true_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatTrueMin(f80)` instead");
pub const f128_true_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatTrueMin(f128)` instead");
pub const f16_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMin(f16)` instead");
pub const f32_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMin(f32)` instead");
pub const f64_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMin(f64)` instead");
pub const f80_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMin(f80)` instead");
pub const f128_min = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMin(f128)` instead");
pub const f16_max = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMax(f16)` instead");
pub const f32_max = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMax(f32)` instead");
pub const f64_max = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMax(f64)` instead");
pub const f80_max = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMax(f80)` instead");
pub const f128_max = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatMax(f128)` instead");
pub const f16_epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps(f16)` instead");
pub const f32_epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps(f32)` instead");
pub const f64_epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps(f64)` instead");
pub const f80_epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps(f80)` instead");
pub const f128_epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps(f128)` instead");
pub const f16_toint = @compileError("Deprecated: use `1.0 / floatEps(f16)` instead");
pub const f32_toint = @compileError("Deprecated: use `1.0 / floatEps(f32)` instead");
pub const f64_toint = @compileError("Deprecated: use `1.0 / floatEps(f64)` instead");
pub const f80_toint = @compileError("Deprecated: use `1.0 / floatEps(f80)` instead");
pub const f128_toint = @compileError("Deprecated: use `1.0 / floatEps(f128)` instead");
pub const inf_u16 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `@bitCast(u16, inf(f16))` instead");
pub const inf_f16 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `inf(f16)` instead");
pub const inf_u32 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `@bitCast(u32, inf(f32))` instead");
pub const inf_f32 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `inf(f32)` instead");
pub const inf_u64 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `@bitCast(u64, inf(f64))` instead");
pub const inf_f64 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `inf(f64)` instead");
pub const inf_f80 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `inf(f80)` instead");
pub const inf_u128 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `@bitCast(u128, inf(f128))` instead");
pub const inf_f128 = @compileError("Deprecated: use `inf(f128)` instead");
pub const epsilon = @compileError("Deprecated: use `floatEps` instead");
pub const nan_u16 = @as(u16, 0x7C01);
pub const nan_f16 = @as(f16, @bitCast(nan_u16));
pub const qnan_u16 = @as(u16, 0x7E00);
pub const qnan_f16 = @as(f16, @bitCast(qnan_u16));
pub const nan_u32 = @as(u32, 0x7F800001);
pub const nan_f32 = @as(f32, @bitCast(nan_u32));
pub const qnan_u32 = @as(u32, 0x7FC00000);
pub const qnan_f32 = @as(f32, @bitCast(qnan_u32));
pub const nan_u64 = @as(u64, 0x7FF << 52) | 1;
pub const nan_f64 = @as(f64, @bitCast(nan_u64));
pub const qnan_u64 = @as(u64, 0x7ff8000000000000);
pub const qnan_f64 = @as(f64, @bitCast(qnan_u64));
pub const nan_f80 = make_f80(F80{ .fraction = 0xA000000000000000, .exp = 0x7fff });
pub const qnan_f80 = make_f80(F80{ .fraction = 0xC000000000000000, .exp = 0x7fff });
pub const nan_u128 = @as(u128, 0x7fff0000000000000000000000000001);
pub const nan_f128 = @as(f128, @bitCast(nan_u128));
pub const qnan_u128 = @as(u128, 0x7fff8000000000000000000000000000);
pub const qnan_f128 = @as(f128, @bitCast(qnan_u128));
pub const nan = @import("math/nan.zig").nan;
pub const snan = @import("math/nan.zig").snan;
/// Performs an approximate comparison of two floating point values `x` and `y`.
/// Returns true if the absolute difference between them is less or equal than
/// the specified tolerance.
/// The `tolerance` parameter is the absolute tolerance used when determining if
/// the two numbers are close enough; a good value for this parameter is a small
/// multiple of `floatEps(T)`.
/// Note that this function is recommended for comparing small numbers
/// around zero; using `approxEqRel` is suggested otherwise.
/// NaN values are never considered equal to any value.
pub fn approxEqAbs(comptime T: type, x: T, y: T, tolerance: T) bool {
assert(@typeInfo(T) == .Float);
assert(tolerance >= 0);
// Fast path for equal values (and signed zeros and infinites).
if (x == y)
return true;
if (isNan(x) or isNan(y))
return false;
return @fabs(x - y) <= tolerance;
/// Performs an approximate comparison of two floating point values `x` and `y`.
/// Returns true if the absolute difference between them is less or equal than
/// `max(|x|, |y|) * tolerance`, where `tolerance` is a positive number greater
/// than zero.
/// The `tolerance` parameter is the relative tolerance used when determining if
/// the two numbers are close enough; a good value for this parameter is usually
/// `sqrt(floatEps(T))`, meaning that the two numbers are considered equal if at
/// least half of the digits are equal.
/// Note that for comparisons of small numbers around zero this function won't
/// give meaningful results, use `approxEqAbs` instead.
/// NaN values are never considered equal to any value.
pub fn approxEqRel(comptime T: type, x: T, y: T, tolerance: T) bool {
assert(@typeInfo(T) == .Float);
assert(tolerance > 0);
// Fast path for equal values (and signed zeros and infinites).
if (x == y)
return true;
if (isNan(x) or isNan(y))
return false;
return @fabs(x - y) <= @max(@fabs(x), @fabs(y)) * tolerance;
test "approxEqAbs and approxEqRel" {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| {
const eps_value = comptime floatEps(T);
const sqrt_eps_value = comptime sqrt(eps_value);
const nan_value = comptime nan(T);
const inf_value = comptime inf(T);
const min_value = comptime floatMin(T);
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, 0.0, 0.0, eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, -0.0, -0.0, eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, 0.0, -0.0, eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqRel(T, 1.0, 1.0, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(!approxEqRel(T, 1.0, 0.0, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(!approxEqAbs(T, 1.0 + 2 * eps_value, 1.0, eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, 1.0 + 1 * eps_value, 1.0, eps_value));
try testing.expect(!approxEqRel(T, 1.0, nan_value, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(!approxEqRel(T, nan_value, nan_value, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqRel(T, inf_value, inf_value, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqRel(T, min_value, min_value, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqRel(T, -min_value, -min_value, sqrt_eps_value));
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, min_value, 0.0, eps_value * 2));
try testing.expect(approxEqAbs(T, -min_value, 0.0, eps_value * 2));
pub fn doNotOptimizeAway(val: anytype) void {
return mem.doNotOptimizeAway(val);
pub fn raiseInvalid() void {
// Raise INVALID fpu exception
pub fn raiseUnderflow() void {
// Raise UNDERFLOW fpu exception
pub fn raiseOverflow() void {
// Raise OVERFLOW fpu exception
pub fn raiseInexact() void {
// Raise INEXACT fpu exception
pub fn raiseDivByZero() void {
// Raise INEXACT fpu exception
pub const isNan = @import("math/isnan.zig").isNan;
pub const isSignalNan = @import("math/isnan.zig").isSignalNan;
pub const frexp = @import("math/frexp.zig").frexp;
pub const Frexp = @import("math/frexp.zig").Frexp;
pub const modf = @import("math/modf.zig").modf;
pub const modf32_result = @import("math/modf.zig").modf32_result;
pub const modf64_result = @import("math/modf.zig").modf64_result;
pub const copysign = @import("math/copysign.zig").copysign;
pub const isFinite = @import("math/isfinite.zig").isFinite;
pub const isInf = @import("math/isinf.zig").isInf;
pub const isPositiveInf = @import("math/isinf.zig").isPositiveInf;
pub const isNegativeInf = @import("math/isinf.zig").isNegativeInf;
pub const isNormal = @import("math/isnormal.zig").isNormal;
pub const signbit = @import("math/signbit.zig").signbit;
pub const scalbn = @import("math/scalbn.zig").scalbn;
pub const ldexp = @import("math/ldexp.zig").ldexp;
pub const pow = @import("math/pow.zig").pow;
pub const powi = @import("math/powi.zig").powi;
pub const sqrt = @import("math/sqrt.zig").sqrt;
pub const cbrt = @import("math/cbrt.zig").cbrt;
pub const acos = @import("math/acos.zig").acos;
pub const asin = @import("math/asin.zig").asin;
pub const atan = @import("math/atan.zig").atan;
pub const atan2 = @import("math/atan2.zig").atan2;
pub const hypot = @import("math/hypot.zig").hypot;
pub const expm1 = @import("math/expm1.zig").expm1;
pub const ilogb = @import("math/ilogb.zig").ilogb;
pub const ln = @import("math/ln.zig").ln;
pub const log = @import("math/log.zig").log;
pub const log2 = @import("math/log2.zig").log2;
pub const log10 = @import("math/log10.zig").log10;
pub const log10_int = @import("math/log10.zig").log10_int;
pub const log1p = @import("math/log1p.zig").log1p;
pub const asinh = @import("math/asinh.zig").asinh;
pub const acosh = @import("math/acosh.zig").acosh;
pub const atanh = @import("math/atanh.zig").atanh;
pub const sinh = @import("math/sinh.zig").sinh;
pub const cosh = @import("math/cosh.zig").cosh;
pub const tanh = @import("math/tanh.zig").tanh;
pub const gcd = @import("math/gcd.zig").gcd;
/// Sine trigonometric function on a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @sin
pub inline fn sin(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @sin(value);
/// Cosine trigonometric function on a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @cos
pub inline fn cos(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @cos(value);
/// Tangent trigonometric function on a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @tan
pub inline fn tan(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @tan(value);
/// Converts an angle in radians to degrees. T must be a float type.
pub fn radiansToDegrees(comptime T: type, angle_in_radians: T) T {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Float and @typeInfo(T) != .ComptimeFloat)
@compileError("T must be a float type");
return angle_in_radians * 180.0 / pi;
test "radiansToDegrees" {
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, 0), radiansToDegrees(f32, 0), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, 90), radiansToDegrees(f32, pi / 2.0), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, -45), radiansToDegrees(f32, -pi / 4.0), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, 180), radiansToDegrees(f32, pi), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, 360), radiansToDegrees(f32, 2.0 * pi), 1e-6);
/// Converts an angle in degrees to radians. T must be a float type.
pub fn degreesToRadians(comptime T: type, angle_in_degrees: T) T {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Float and @typeInfo(T) != .ComptimeFloat)
@compileError("T must be a float type");
return angle_in_degrees * pi / 180.0;
test "degreesToRadians" {
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, pi / 2.0), degreesToRadians(f32, 90), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, -3 * pi / 2.0), degreesToRadians(f32, -270), 1e-6);
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(@as(f32, 2 * pi), degreesToRadians(f32, 360), 1e-6);
/// Base-e exponential function on a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @exp
pub inline fn exp(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @exp(value);
/// Base-2 exponential function on a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @exp2
pub inline fn exp2(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @exp2(value);
pub const complex = @import("math/complex.zig");
pub const Complex = complex.Complex;
pub const big = @import("math/big.zig");
test {
_ = floatExponentBits;
_ = floatMantissaBits;
_ = floatFractionalBits;
_ = floatExponentMin;
_ = floatExponentMax;
_ = floatTrueMin;
_ = floatMin;
_ = floatMax;
_ = floatEps;
_ = inf;
_ = nan_u16;
_ = nan_f16;
_ = qnan_u16;
_ = qnan_f16;
_ = nan_u32;
_ = nan_f32;
_ = qnan_u32;
_ = qnan_f32;
_ = nan_u64;
_ = nan_f64;
_ = qnan_u64;
_ = qnan_f64;
_ = nan_f80;
_ = qnan_f80;
_ = nan_u128;
_ = nan_f128;
_ = qnan_u128;
_ = qnan_f128;
_ = nan;
_ = snan;
_ = isNan;
_ = isSignalNan;
_ = frexp;
_ = Frexp;
_ = modf;
_ = modf32_result;
_ = modf64_result;
_ = copysign;
_ = isFinite;
_ = isInf;
_ = isPositiveInf;
_ = isNegativeInf;
_ = isNormal;
_ = signbit;
_ = scalbn;
_ = ldexp;
_ = pow;
_ = powi;
_ = sqrt;
_ = cbrt;
_ = acos;
_ = asin;
_ = atan;
_ = atan2;
_ = hypot;
_ = expm1;
_ = ilogb;
_ = ln;
_ = log;
_ = log2;
_ = log10;
_ = log10_int;
_ = log1p;
_ = asinh;
_ = acosh;
_ = atanh;
_ = sinh;
_ = cosh;
_ = tanh;
_ = gcd;
_ = complex;
_ = Complex;
_ = big;
/// Given two types, returns the smallest one which is capable of holding the
/// full range of the minimum value.
pub fn Min(comptime A: type, comptime B: type) type {
switch (@typeInfo(A)) {
.Int => |a_info| switch (@typeInfo(B)) {
.Int => |b_info| if (a_info.signedness == .unsigned and b_info.signedness == .unsigned) {
if (a_info.bits < b_info.bits) {
return A;
} else {
return B;
else => {},
else => {},
return @TypeOf(@as(A, 0) + @as(B, 0));
pub const min = @compileError("deprecated; use @min instead");
pub const max = @compileError("deprecated; use @max instead");
pub const min3 = @compileError("deprecated; use @min instead");
pub const max3 = @compileError("deprecated; use @max instead");
/// Limit val to the inclusive range [lower, upper].
pub fn clamp(val: anytype, lower: anytype, upper: anytype) @TypeOf(val, lower, upper) {
assert(lower <= upper);
return @max(lower, @min(val, upper));
test "clamp" {
// Within range
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(@as(i32, -1), @as(i32, -4), @as(i32, 7)) == -1);
// Below
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(@as(i32, -5), @as(i32, -4), @as(i32, 7)) == -4);
// Above
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(@as(i32, 8), @as(i32, -4), @as(i32, 7)) == 7);
// Floating point
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(@as(f32, 1.1), @as(f32, 0.0), @as(f32, 1.0)) == 1.0);
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(@as(f32, -127.5), @as(f32, -200), @as(f32, -100)) == -127.5);
// Mix of comptime and non-comptime
var i: i32 = 1;
try testing.expect(std.math.clamp(i, 0, 1) == 1);
/// Returns the product of a and b. Returns an error on overflow.
pub fn mul(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) (error{Overflow}!T) {
if (T == comptime_int) return a * b;
const ov = @mulWithOverflow(a, b);
if (ov[1] != 0) return error.Overflow;
return ov[0];
/// Returns the sum of a and b. Returns an error on overflow.
pub fn add(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) (error{Overflow}!T) {
if (T == comptime_int) return a + b;
const ov = @addWithOverflow(a, b);
if (ov[1] != 0) return error.Overflow;
return ov[0];
/// Returns a - b, or an error on overflow.
pub fn sub(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) (error{Overflow}!T) {
if (T == comptime_int) return a - b;
const ov = @subWithOverflow(a, b);
if (ov[1] != 0) return error.Overflow;
return ov[0];
pub fn negate(x: anytype) !@TypeOf(x) {
return sub(@TypeOf(x), 0, x);
/// Shifts a left by shift_amt. Returns an error on overflow. shift_amt
/// is unsigned.
pub fn shlExact(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: Log2Int(T)) !T {
if (T == comptime_int) return a << shift_amt;
const ov = @shlWithOverflow(a, shift_amt);
if (ov[1] != 0) return error.Overflow;
return ov[0];
/// Shifts left. Overflowed bits are truncated.
/// A negative shift amount results in a right shift.
pub fn shl(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: anytype) T {
const abs_shift_amt = absCast(shift_amt);
const casted_shift_amt = blk: {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Vector) {
const C = @typeInfo(T).Vector.child;
const len = @typeInfo(T).Vector.len;
if (abs_shift_amt >= @typeInfo(C).Int.bits) return @splat(0);
break :blk @as(@Vector(len, Log2Int(C)), @splat(@as(Log2Int(C), @intCast(abs_shift_amt))));
} else {
if (abs_shift_amt >= @typeInfo(T).Int.bits) return 0;
break :blk @as(Log2Int(T), @intCast(abs_shift_amt));
if (@TypeOf(shift_amt) == comptime_int or @typeInfo(@TypeOf(shift_amt)).Int.signedness == .signed) {
if (shift_amt < 0) {
return a >> casted_shift_amt;
return a << casted_shift_amt;
test "shl" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_llvm and builtin.cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12012
return error.SkipZigTest;
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 3)) == 0b11111000);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 8)) == 0);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 9)) == 0);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, @as(isize, -2)) == 0b00111111);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, 3) == 0b11111000);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, 8) == 0);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, 9) == 0);
try testing.expect(shl(u8, 0b11111111, -2) == 0b00111111);
try testing.expect(shl(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, @as(usize, 1))[0] == @as(u32, 42) << 1);
try testing.expect(shl(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, @as(isize, -1))[0] == @as(u32, 42) >> 1);
try testing.expect(shl(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, 33)[0] == 0);
/// Shifts right. Overflowed bits are truncated.
/// A negative shift amount results in a left shift.
pub fn shr(comptime T: type, a: T, shift_amt: anytype) T {
const abs_shift_amt = absCast(shift_amt);
const casted_shift_amt = blk: {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Vector) {
const C = @typeInfo(T).Vector.child;
const len = @typeInfo(T).Vector.len;
if (abs_shift_amt >= @typeInfo(C).Int.bits) return @splat(0);
break :blk @as(@Vector(len, Log2Int(C)), @splat(@as(Log2Int(C), @intCast(abs_shift_amt))));
} else {
if (abs_shift_amt >= @typeInfo(T).Int.bits) return 0;
break :blk @as(Log2Int(T), @intCast(abs_shift_amt));
if (@TypeOf(shift_amt) == comptime_int or @typeInfo(@TypeOf(shift_amt)).Int.signedness == .signed) {
if (shift_amt < 0) {
return a << casted_shift_amt;
return a >> casted_shift_amt;
test "shr" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_llvm and builtin.cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12012
return error.SkipZigTest;
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 3)) == 0b00011111);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 8)) == 0);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, @as(usize, 9)) == 0);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, @as(isize, -2)) == 0b11111100);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, 3) == 0b00011111);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, 8) == 0);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, 9) == 0);
try testing.expect(shr(u8, 0b11111111, -2) == 0b11111100);
try testing.expect(shr(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, @as(usize, 1))[0] == @as(u32, 42) >> 1);
try testing.expect(shr(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, @as(isize, -1))[0] == @as(u32, 42) << 1);
try testing.expect(shr(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){42}, 33)[0] == 0);
/// Rotates right. Only unsigned values can be rotated. Negative shift
/// values result in shift modulo the bit count.
pub fn rotr(comptime T: type, x: T, r: anytype) T {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Vector) {
const C = @typeInfo(T).Vector.child;
if (C == u0) return 0;
if (@typeInfo(C).Int.signedness == .signed) {
@compileError("cannot rotate signed integers");
const ar = @as(Log2Int(C), @intCast(@mod(r, @typeInfo(C).Int.bits)));
return (x >> @splat(ar)) | (x << @splat(1 + ~ar));
} else if (@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed) {
@compileError("cannot rotate signed integer");
} else {
if (T == u0) return 0;
if (isPowerOfTwo(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits)) {
const ar = @as(Log2Int(T), @intCast(@mod(r, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits)));
return x >> ar | x << (1 +% ~ar);
} else {
const ar = @mod(r, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits);
return shr(T, x, ar) | shl(T, x, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits - ar);
test "rotr" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_llvm and builtin.cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12012
return error.SkipZigTest;
try testing.expect(rotr(u0, 0b0, @as(usize, 3)) == 0b0);
try testing.expect(rotr(u5, 0b00001, @as(usize, 0)) == 0b00001);
try testing.expect(rotr(u6, 0b000001, @as(usize, 7)) == 0b100000);
try testing.expect(rotr(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 0)) == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(rotr(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 9)) == 0b10000000);
try testing.expect(rotr(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 8)) == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(rotr(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 4)) == 0b00010000);
try testing.expect(rotr(u8, 0b00000001, @as(isize, -1)) == 0b00000010);
try testing.expect(rotr(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){1}, @as(usize, 1))[0] == @as(u32, 1) << 31);
try testing.expect(rotr(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){1}, @as(isize, -1))[0] == @as(u32, 1) << 1);
/// Rotates left. Only unsigned values can be rotated. Negative shift
/// values result in shift modulo the bit count.
pub fn rotl(comptime T: type, x: T, r: anytype) T {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Vector) {
const C = @typeInfo(T).Vector.child;
if (C == u0) return 0;
if (@typeInfo(C).Int.signedness == .signed) {
@compileError("cannot rotate signed integers");
const ar = @as(Log2Int(C), @intCast(@mod(r, @typeInfo(C).Int.bits)));
return (x << @splat(ar)) | (x >> @splat(1 +% ~ar));
} else if (@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed) {
@compileError("cannot rotate signed integer");
} else {
if (T == u0) return 0;
if (isPowerOfTwo(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits)) {
const ar = @as(Log2Int(T), @intCast(@mod(r, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits)));
return x << ar | x >> 1 +% ~ar;
} else {
const ar = @mod(r, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits);
return shl(T, x, ar) | shr(T, x, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits - ar);
test "rotl" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_llvm and builtin.cpu.arch == .aarch64) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12012
return error.SkipZigTest;
try testing.expect(rotl(u0, 0b0, @as(usize, 3)) == 0b0);
try testing.expect(rotl(u5, 0b00001, @as(usize, 0)) == 0b00001);
try testing.expect(rotl(u6, 0b000001, @as(usize, 7)) == 0b000010);
try testing.expect(rotl(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 0)) == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(rotl(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 9)) == 0b00000010);
try testing.expect(rotl(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 8)) == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(rotl(u8, 0b00000001, @as(usize, 4)) == 0b00010000);
try testing.expect(rotl(u8, 0b00000001, @as(isize, -1)) == 0b10000000);
try testing.expect(rotl(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){1 << 31}, @as(usize, 1))[0] == 1);
try testing.expect(rotl(@Vector(1, u32), @Vector(1, u32){1 << 31}, @as(isize, -1))[0] == @as(u32, 1) << 30);
/// Returns an unsigned int type that can hold the number of bits in T
/// - 1. Suitable for 0-based bit indices of T.
pub fn Log2Int(comptime T: type) type {
// comptime ceil log2
comptime var count = 0;
comptime var s = @typeInfo(T).Int.bits - 1;
inline while (s != 0) : (s >>= 1) {
count += 1;
return std.meta.Int(.unsigned, count);
/// Returns an unsigned int type that can hold the number of bits in T.
pub fn Log2IntCeil(comptime T: type) type {
// comptime ceil log2
comptime var count = 0;
comptime var s = @typeInfo(T).Int.bits;
inline while (s != 0) : (s >>= 1) {
count += 1;
return std.meta.Int(.unsigned, count);
/// Returns the smallest integer type that can hold both from and to.
pub fn IntFittingRange(comptime from: comptime_int, comptime to: comptime_int) type {
assert(from <= to);
if (from == 0 and to == 0) {
return u0;
const signedness: std.builtin.Signedness = if (from < 0) .signed else .unsigned;
const largest_positive_integer = @max(if (from < 0) (-from) - 1 else from, to); // two's complement
const base = log2(largest_positive_integer);
const upper = (1 << base) - 1;
var magnitude_bits = if (upper >= largest_positive_integer) base else base + 1;
if (signedness == .signed) {
magnitude_bits += 1;
return std.meta.Int(signedness, magnitude_bits);
test "IntFittingRange" {
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 0) == u0);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 1) == u1);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 2) == u2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 3) == u2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 4) == u3);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 7) == u3);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 8) == u4);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 9) == u4);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 15) == u4);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 16) == u5);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 17) == u5);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 4095) == u12);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(2000, 4095) == u12);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 4096) == u13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(2000, 4096) == u13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 4097) == u13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(2000, 4097) == u13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 123456789123456798123456789) == u87);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(0, 123456789123456798123456789123456789123456798123456789) == u177);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, -1) == i1);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 0) == i1);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 1) == i2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-2, -2) == i2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-2, -1) == i2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-2, 0) == i2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-2, 1) == i2);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-2, 2) == i3);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 2) == i3);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 3) == i3);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 4) == i4);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 7) == i4);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 8) == i5);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 9) == i5);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 15) == i5);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 16) == i6);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 17) == i6);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 4095) == i13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-4096, 4095) == i13);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 4096) == i14);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-4097, 4095) == i14);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 4097) == i14);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 123456789123456798123456789) == i88);
try testing.expect(IntFittingRange(-1, 123456789123456798123456789123456789123456798123456789) == i178);
test "overflow functions" {
try testOverflow();
try comptime testOverflow();
fn testOverflow() !void {
try testing.expect((mul(i32, 3, 4) catch unreachable) == 12);
try testing.expect((add(i32, 3, 4) catch unreachable) == 7);
try testing.expect((sub(i32, 3, 4) catch unreachable) == -1);
try testing.expect((shlExact(i32, 0b11, 4) catch unreachable) == 0b110000);
/// Returns the absolute value of x, where x is a value of a signed integer type.
/// Does not convert and returns a value of a signed integer type.
/// Use `absCast` if you want to convert the result and get an unsigned type.
pub fn absInt(x: anytype) !@TypeOf(x) {
const T = @TypeOf(x);
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Int => |info| {
comptime assert(info.signedness == .signed); // must pass a signed integer to absInt
if (x == minInt(T)) {
return error.Overflow;
} else {
return if (x < 0) -x else x;
.Vector => |vinfo| blk: {
switch (@typeInfo(vinfo.child)) {
.Int => |info| {
comptime assert(info.signedness == .signed); // must pass a signed integer to absInt
if (@reduce(.Or, x == @as(T, @splat(minInt(vinfo.child))))) {
return error.Overflow;
const zero: T = @splat(0);
break :blk @select(vinfo.child, x > zero, x, -x);
else => @compileError("Expected vector of ints, found " ++ @typeName(T)),
else => @compileError("Expected an int or vector, found " ++ @typeName(T)),
test "absInt" {
try testAbsInt();
try comptime testAbsInt();
fn testAbsInt() !void {
try testing.expect((absInt(@as(i32, -10)) catch unreachable) == 10);
try testing.expect((absInt(@as(i32, 10)) catch unreachable) == 10);
try testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, i32){ 10, 10, 0 }, (absInt(@Vector(3, i32){ -10, 10, 0 }) catch unreachable));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, absInt(@as(i32, minInt(i32))));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, absInt(@Vector(3, i32){ 10, -10, minInt(i32) }));
/// Divide numerator by denominator, rounding toward zero. Returns an
/// error on overflow or when denominator is zero.
pub fn divTrunc(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Int and @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed and numerator == minInt(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow;
return @divTrunc(numerator, denominator);
test "divTrunc" {
try testDivTrunc();
try comptime testDivTrunc();
fn testDivTrunc() !void {
try testing.expect((divTrunc(i32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 1);
try testing.expect((divTrunc(i32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == -1);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divTrunc(i8, -5, 0));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, divTrunc(i8, -128, -1));
try testing.expect((divTrunc(f32, 5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable) == 1.0);
try testing.expect((divTrunc(f32, -5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable) == -1.0);
/// Divide numerator by denominator, rounding toward negative
/// infinity. Returns an error on overflow or when denominator is
/// zero.
pub fn divFloor(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Int and @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed and numerator == minInt(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow;
return @divFloor(numerator, denominator);
test "divFloor" {
try testDivFloor();
try comptime testDivFloor();
fn testDivFloor() !void {
try testing.expect((divFloor(i32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 1);
try testing.expect((divFloor(i32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == -2);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divFloor(i8, -5, 0));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, divFloor(i8, -128, -1));
try testing.expect((divFloor(f32, 5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable) == 1.0);
try testing.expect((divFloor(f32, -5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable) == -2.0);
/// Divide numerator by denominator, rounding toward positive
/// infinity. Returns an error on overflow or when denominator is
/// zero.
pub fn divCeil(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if ((comptime std.meta.trait.isNumber(T)) and denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
const info = @typeInfo(T);
switch (info) {
.ComptimeFloat, .Float => return @ceil(numerator / denominator),
.ComptimeInt, .Int => {
if (numerator < 0 and denominator < 0) {
if (info == .Int and numerator == minInt(T) and denominator == -1)
return error.Overflow;
return @divFloor(numerator + 1, denominator) + 1;
if (numerator > 0 and denominator > 0)
return @divFloor(numerator - 1, denominator) + 1;
return @divTrunc(numerator, denominator);
else => @compileError("divCeil unsupported on " ++ @typeName(T)),
test "divCeil" {
try testDivCeil();
try comptime testDivCeil();
fn testDivCeil() !void {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 2), divCeil(i32, 5, 3) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, -1), divCeil(i32, -5, 3) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, -1), divCeil(i32, 5, -3) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 2), divCeil(i32, -5, -3) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 0), divCeil(i32, 0, 5) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), divCeil(u32, 0, 5) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divCeil(i8, -5, 0));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, divCeil(i8, -128, -1));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 0.0), divCeil(f32, 0.0, 5.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 2.0), divCeil(f32, 5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, -1.0), divCeil(f32, -5.0, 3.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, -1.0), divCeil(f32, 5.0, -3.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 2.0), divCeil(f32, -5.0, -3.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(6, divCeil(comptime_int, 23, 4) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(-5, divCeil(comptime_int, -23, 4) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(-5, divCeil(comptime_int, 23, -4) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(6, divCeil(comptime_int, -23, -4) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divCeil(comptime_int, 23, 0));
try testing.expectEqual(6.0, divCeil(comptime_float, 23.0, 4.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(-5.0, divCeil(comptime_float, -23.0, 4.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(-5.0, divCeil(comptime_float, 23.0, -4.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectEqual(6.0, divCeil(comptime_float, -23.0, -4.0) catch unreachable);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divCeil(comptime_float, 23.0, 0.0));
/// Divide numerator by denominator. Return an error if quotient is
/// not an integer, denominator is zero, or on overflow.
pub fn divExact(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Int and @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .signed and numerator == minInt(T) and denominator == -1) return error.Overflow;
const result = @divTrunc(numerator, denominator);
if (result * denominator != numerator) return error.UnexpectedRemainder;
return result;
test "divExact" {
try testDivExact();
try comptime testDivExact();
fn testDivExact() !void {
try testing.expect((divExact(i32, 10, 5) catch unreachable) == 2);
try testing.expect((divExact(i32, -10, 5) catch unreachable) == -2);
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, divExact(i8, -5, 0));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, divExact(i8, -128, -1));
try testing.expectError(error.UnexpectedRemainder, divExact(i32, 5, 2));
try testing.expect((divExact(f32, 10.0, 5.0) catch unreachable) == 2.0);
try testing.expect((divExact(f32, -10.0, 5.0) catch unreachable) == -2.0);
try testing.expectError(error.UnexpectedRemainder, divExact(f32, 5.0, 2.0));
/// Returns numerator modulo denominator, or an error if denominator is
/// zero or negative. Negative numerators never result in negative
/// return values.
pub fn mod(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
if (denominator < 0) return error.NegativeDenominator;
return @mod(numerator, denominator);
test "mod" {
try testMod();
try comptime testMod();
fn testMod() !void {
try testing.expect((mod(i32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == 1);
try testing.expect((mod(i32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 2);
try testing.expectError(error.NegativeDenominator, mod(i32, 10, -1));
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, mod(i32, 10, 0));
try testing.expect((mod(f32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == 1);
try testing.expect((mod(f32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 2);
try testing.expectError(error.NegativeDenominator, mod(f32, 10, -1));
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, mod(f32, 10, 0));
/// Returns the remainder when numerator is divided by denominator, or
/// an error if denominator is zero or negative. Negative numerators
/// can give negative results.
pub fn rem(comptime T: type, numerator: T, denominator: T) !T {
if (denominator == 0) return error.DivisionByZero;
if (denominator < 0) return error.NegativeDenominator;
return @rem(numerator, denominator);
test "rem" {
try testRem();
try comptime testRem();
fn testRem() !void {
try testing.expect((rem(i32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == -2);
try testing.expect((rem(i32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 2);
try testing.expectError(error.NegativeDenominator, rem(i32, 10, -1));
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, rem(i32, 10, 0));
try testing.expect((rem(f32, -5, 3) catch unreachable) == -2);
try testing.expect((rem(f32, 5, 3) catch unreachable) == 2);
try testing.expectError(error.NegativeDenominator, rem(f32, 10, -1));
try testing.expectError(error.DivisionByZero, rem(f32, 10, 0));
/// Returns the absolute value of a floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @fabs
pub inline fn fabs(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @fabs(value);
/// Returns the absolute value of the integer parameter.
/// Converts result type to unsigned if needed and returns a value of an unsigned integer type.
/// Use `absInt` if you want to keep your integer type signed.
pub fn absCast(x: anytype) switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x))) {
.ComptimeInt => comptime_int,
.Int => |int_info| std.meta.Int(.unsigned, int_info.bits),
else => @compileError("absCast only accepts integers"),
} {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x))) {
.ComptimeInt => {
if (x < 0) {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
.Int => |int_info| {
if (int_info.signedness == .unsigned) return x;
const Uint = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, int_info.bits);
if (x < 0) {
return ~@as(Uint, @bitCast(x +% -1));
} else {
return @as(Uint, @intCast(x));
else => unreachable,
test "absCast" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 1), absCast(@as(i1, -1)));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 999), absCast(@as(i32, -999)));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 999), absCast(@as(i32, 999)));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, -minInt(i32)), absCast(@as(i32, minInt(i32))));
try testing.expectEqual(999, absCast(-999));
/// Returns the negation of the integer parameter.
/// Result is a signed integer.
pub fn negateCast(x: anytype) !std.meta.Int(.signed, @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(x))) {
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x)).Int.signedness == .signed) return negate(x);
const int = std.meta.Int(.signed, @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(x)));
if (x > -minInt(int)) return error.Overflow;
if (x == -minInt(int)) return minInt(int);
return -@as(int, @intCast(x));
test "negateCast" {
try testing.expect((negateCast(@as(u32, 999)) catch unreachable) == -999);
try testing.expect(@TypeOf(negateCast(@as(u32, 999)) catch unreachable) == i32);
try testing.expect((negateCast(@as(u32, -minInt(i32))) catch unreachable) == minInt(i32));
try testing.expect(@TypeOf(negateCast(@as(u32, -minInt(i32))) catch unreachable) == i32);
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, negateCast(@as(u32, maxInt(i32) + 10)));
/// Cast an integer to a different integer type. If the value doesn't fit,
/// return null.
pub fn cast(comptime T: type, x: anytype) ?T {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(T) == .Int); // must pass an integer
const is_comptime = @TypeOf(x) == comptime_int;
comptime assert(is_comptime or @typeInfo(@TypeOf(x)) == .Int); // must pass an integer
if ((is_comptime or maxInt(@TypeOf(x)) > maxInt(T)) and x > maxInt(T)) {
return null;
} else if ((is_comptime or minInt(@TypeOf(x)) < minInt(T)) and x < minInt(T)) {
return null;
} else {
return @as(T, @intCast(x));
test "cast" {
try testing.expect(cast(u8, 300) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u8, @as(u32, 300)) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(i8, -200) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(i8, @as(i32, -200)) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u8, -1) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u8, @as(i8, -1)) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u64, -1) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u64, @as(i8, -1)) == null);
try testing.expect(cast(u8, 255).? == @as(u8, 255));
try testing.expect(cast(u8, @as(u32, 255)).? == @as(u8, 255));
try testing.expect(@TypeOf(cast(u8, 255).?) == u8);
try testing.expect(@TypeOf(cast(u8, @as(u32, 255)).?) == u8);
pub const AlignCastError = error{UnalignedMemory};
fn AlignCastResult(comptime alignment: u29, comptime Ptr: type) type {
var ptr_info = @typeInfo(Ptr);
ptr_info.Pointer.alignment = alignment;
return @Type(ptr_info);
/// Align cast a pointer but return an error if it's the wrong alignment
pub fn alignCast(comptime alignment: u29, ptr: anytype) AlignCastError!AlignCastResult(alignment, @TypeOf(ptr)) {
const addr = @intFromPtr(ptr);
if (addr % alignment != 0) {
return error.UnalignedMemory;
return @alignCast(ptr);
/// Asserts `int > 0`.
pub fn isPowerOfTwo(int: anytype) bool {
assert(int > 0);
return (int & (int - 1)) == 0;
test isPowerOfTwo {
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(@as(u8, 1)));
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(2));
try testing.expect(!isPowerOfTwo(@as(i16, 3)));
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(4));
try testing.expect(!isPowerOfTwo(@as(u32, 31)));
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(32));
try testing.expect(!isPowerOfTwo(@as(i64, 63)));
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(128));
try testing.expect(isPowerOfTwo(@as(u128, 256)));
/// Aligns the given integer type bit width to a width divisible by 8.
pub fn ByteAlignedInt(comptime T: type) type {
const info = @typeInfo(T).Int;
const bits = (info.bits + 7) / 8 * 8;
const extended_type = std.meta.Int(info.signedness, bits);
return extended_type;
test "ByteAlignedInt" {
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(u0) == u0);
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(i0) == i0);
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(u3) == u8);
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(i111) == i112);
try testing.expect(ByteAlignedInt(u129) == u136);
/// Rounds the given floating point number to an integer, away from zero.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @round
pub inline fn round(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @round(value);
/// Rounds the given floating point number to an integer, towards zero.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @trunc
pub inline fn trunc(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @trunc(value);
/// Returns the largest integral value not greater than the given floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @floor
pub inline fn floor(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @floor(value);
/// Returns the nearest power of two less than or equal to value, or
/// zero if value is less than or equal to zero.
pub fn floorPowerOfTwo(comptime T: type, value: T) T {
const uT = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits);
if (value <= 0) return 0;
return @as(T, 1) << log2_int(uT, @as(uT, @intCast(value)));
test "floorPowerOfTwo" {
try testFloorPowerOfTwo();
try comptime testFloorPowerOfTwo();
fn testFloorPowerOfTwo() !void {
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u32, 63) == 32);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u32, 64) == 64);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u32, 65) == 64);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u32, 0) == 0);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u4, 7) == 4);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u4, 8) == 8);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u4, 9) == 8);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(u4, 0) == 0);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(i4, 7) == 4);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(i4, -8) == 0);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(i4, -1) == 0);
try testing.expect(floorPowerOfTwo(i4, 0) == 0);
/// Returns the smallest integral value not less than the given floating point number.
/// Uses a dedicated hardware instruction when available.
/// This is the same as calling the builtin @ceil
pub inline fn ceil(value: anytype) @TypeOf(value) {
return @ceil(value);
/// Returns the next power of two (if the value is not already a power of two).
/// Only unsigned integers can be used. Zero is not an allowed input.
/// Result is a type with 1 more bit than the input type.
pub fn ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(comptime T: type, value: T) std.meta.Int(@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits + 1) {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(T) == .Int);
comptime assert(@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness == .unsigned);
assert(value != 0);
const PromotedType = std.meta.Int(@typeInfo(T).Int.signedness, @typeInfo(T).Int.bits + 1);
const ShiftType = std.math.Log2Int(PromotedType);
return @as(PromotedType, 1) << @as(ShiftType, @intCast(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits - @clz(value - 1)));
/// Returns the next power of two (if the value is not already a power of two).
/// Only unsigned integers can be used. Zero is not an allowed input.
/// If the value doesn't fit, returns an error.
pub fn ceilPowerOfTwo(comptime T: type, value: T) (error{Overflow}!T) {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(T) == .Int);
const info = @typeInfo(T).Int;
comptime assert(info.signedness == .unsigned);
const PromotedType = std.meta.Int(info.signedness, info.bits + 1);
const overflowBit = @as(PromotedType, 1) << info.bits;
var x = ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(T, value);
if (overflowBit & x != 0) {
return error.Overflow;
return @as(T, @intCast(x));
/// Returns the next power of two (if the value is not already a power
/// of two). Only unsigned integers can be used. Zero is not an
/// allowed input. Asserts that the value fits.
pub fn ceilPowerOfTwoAssert(comptime T: type, value: T) T {
return ceilPowerOfTwo(T, value) catch unreachable;
test "ceilPowerOfTwoPromote" {
try testCeilPowerOfTwoPromote();
try comptime testCeilPowerOfTwoPromote();
fn testCeilPowerOfTwoPromote() !void {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u33, 1), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u32, 1));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u33, 2), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u32, 2));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u33, 64), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u32, 63));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u33, 64), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u32, 64));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u33, 128), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u32, 65));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u6, 8), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u5, 7));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u6, 8), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u5, 8));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u6, 16), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u5, 9));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u5, 16), ceilPowerOfTwoPromote(u4, 9));
test "ceilPowerOfTwo" {
try testCeilPowerOfTwo();
try comptime testCeilPowerOfTwo();
fn testCeilPowerOfTwo() !void {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u32, 1));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u32, 2));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 64), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u32, 63));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 64), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u32, 64));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 128), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u32, 65));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u5, 8), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u5, 7));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u5, 8), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u5, 8));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u5, 16), try ceilPowerOfTwo(u5, 9));
try testing.expectError(error.Overflow, ceilPowerOfTwo(u4, 9));
/// Return the log base 2 of integer value x, rounding down to the
/// nearest integer.
pub fn log2_int(comptime T: type, x: T) Log2Int(T) {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Int or @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness != .unsigned)
@compileError("log2_int requires an unsigned integer, found " ++ @typeName(T));
assert(x != 0);
return @as(Log2Int(T), @intCast(@typeInfo(T).Int.bits - 1 - @clz(x)));
/// Return the log base 2 of integer value x, rounding up to the
/// nearest integer.
pub fn log2_int_ceil(comptime T: type, x: T) Log2IntCeil(T) {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Int or @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness != .unsigned)
@compileError("log2_int_ceil requires an unsigned integer, found " ++ @typeName(T));
assert(x != 0);
if (x == 1) return 0;
const log2_val: Log2IntCeil(T) = log2_int(T, x - 1);
return log2_val + 1;
test "std.math.log2_int_ceil" {
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 1) == 0);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 2) == 1);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 3) == 2);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 4) == 2);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 5) == 3);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 6) == 3);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 7) == 3);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 8) == 3);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 9) == 4);
try testing.expect(log2_int_ceil(u32, 10) == 4);
/// Cast a value to a different type. If the value doesn't fit in, or
/// can't be perfectly represented by, the new type, it will be
/// converted to the closest possible representation.
pub fn lossyCast(comptime T: type, value: anytype) T {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Float => {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Int => return @as(T, @floatFromInt(value)),
.Float => return @as(T, @floatCast(value)),
.ComptimeInt => return @as(T, value),
.ComptimeFloat => return @as(T, value),
else => @compileError("bad type"),
.Int => {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => {
if (value >= maxInt(T)) {
return @as(T, maxInt(T));
} else if (value <= minInt(T)) {
return @as(T, minInt(T));
} else {
return @as(T, @intCast(value));
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => {
if (value >= maxInt(T)) {
return @as(T, maxInt(T));
} else if (value <= minInt(T)) {
return @as(T, minInt(T));
} else {
return @as(T, @intFromFloat(value));
else => @compileError("bad type"),
else => @compileError("bad result type"),
test "lossyCast" {
try testing.expect(lossyCast(i16, 70000.0) == @as(i16, 32767));
try testing.expect(lossyCast(u32, @as(i16, -255)) == @as(u32, 0));
try testing.expect(lossyCast(i9, @as(u32, 200)) == @as(i9, 200));
try testing.expect(lossyCast(u32, @as(f32, maxInt(u32))) == maxInt(u32));
/// Performs linear interpolation between *a* and *b* based on *t*.
/// *t* must be in range 0.0 to 1.0. Supports floats and vectors of floats.
/// This does not guarantee returning *b* if *t* is 1 due to floating-point errors.
/// This is monotonic.
pub fn lerp(a: anytype, b: anytype, t: anytype) @TypeOf(a, b, t) {
const Type = @TypeOf(a, b, t);
switch (@typeInfo(Type)) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => assert(t >= 0 and t <= 1),
.Vector => {
const lower_bound = @reduce(.And, t >= @as(Type, @splat(0)));
const upper_bound = @reduce(.And, t <= @as(Type, @splat(1)));
assert(lower_bound and upper_bound);
else => comptime unreachable,
return @mulAdd(Type, b - a, t, a);
test "lerp" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f64, 75), lerp(50, 100, 0.5));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 43.75), lerp(50, 25, 0.25));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f64, -31.25), lerp(-50, 25, 0.25));
try testing.expectApproxEqRel(@as(f32, -7.16067345e+03), lerp(-10000.12345, -5000.12345, 0.56789), 1e-19);
try testing.expectApproxEqRel(@as(f64, 7.010987590521e+62), lerp(0.123456789e-64, 0.123456789e64, 0.56789), 1e-33);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 0.0), lerp(@as(f32, 1.0e8), 1.0, 1.0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f64, 0.0), lerp(@as(f64, 1.0e16), 1.0, 1.0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 1.0), lerp(@as(f32, 1.0e7), 1.0, 1.0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(f64, 1.0), lerp(@as(f64, 1.0e15), 1.0, 1.0));
const a: @Vector(3, f32) = @splat(0);
const b: @Vector(3, f32) = @splat(50);
const t: @Vector(3, f32) = @splat(0.5);
try testing.expectEqual(
lerp(a, b, t),
@Vector(3, f32){ 25, 25, 25 },
const a: @Vector(3, f64) = @splat(50);
const b: @Vector(3, f64) = @splat(100);
const t: @Vector(3, f64) = @splat(0.5);
try testing.expectEqual(
lerp(a, b, t),
@Vector(3, f64){ 75, 75, 75 },
/// Returns the maximum value of integer type T.
pub fn maxInt(comptime T: type) comptime_int {
const info = @typeInfo(T);
const bit_count = info.Int.bits;
if (bit_count == 0) return 0;
return (1 << (bit_count - @intFromBool(info.Int.signedness == .signed))) - 1;
/// Returns the minimum value of integer type T.
pub fn minInt(comptime T: type) comptime_int {
const info = @typeInfo(T);
const bit_count = info.Int.bits;
if (info.Int.signedness == .unsigned) return 0;
if (bit_count == 0) return 0;
return -(1 << (bit_count - 1));
test "minInt and maxInt" {
try testing.expect(maxInt(u0) == 0);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u1) == 1);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u8) == 255);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u16) == 65535);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u32) == 4294967295);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u64) == 18446744073709551615);
try testing.expect(maxInt(u128) == 340282366920938463463374607431768211455);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i0) == 0);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i1) == 0);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i8) == 127);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i16) == 32767);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i32) == 2147483647);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i63) == 4611686018427387903);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i64) == 9223372036854775807);
try testing.expect(maxInt(i128) == 170141183460469231731687303715884105727);
try testing.expect(minInt(u0) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u1) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u8) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u16) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u32) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u63) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u64) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(u128) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(i0) == 0);
try testing.expect(minInt(i1) == -1);
try testing.expect(minInt(i8) == -128);
try testing.expect(minInt(i16) == -32768);
try testing.expect(minInt(i32) == -2147483648);
try testing.expect(minInt(i63) == -4611686018427387904);
try testing.expect(minInt(i64) == -9223372036854775808);
try testing.expect(minInt(i128) == -170141183460469231731687303715884105728);
test "max value type" {
const x: u32 = maxInt(i32);
try testing.expect(x == 2147483647);
/// Multiply a and b. Return type is wide enough to guarantee no
/// overflow.
pub fn mulWide(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) std.meta.Int(
@typeInfo(T).Int.bits * 2,
) {
const ResultInt = std.meta.Int(
@typeInfo(T).Int.bits * 2,
return @as(ResultInt, a) * @as(ResultInt, b);
test "mulWide" {
try testing.expect(mulWide(u8, 5, 5) == 25);
try testing.expect(mulWide(i8, 5, -5) == -25);
try testing.expect(mulWide(u8, 100, 100) == 10000);
/// See also `CompareOperator`.
pub const Order = enum {
/// Greater than (`>`)
/// Less than (`<`)
/// Equal (`==`)
pub fn invert(self: Order) Order {
return switch (self) {
.lt => .gt,
.eq => .eq,
.gt => .lt,
pub fn compare(self: Order, op: CompareOperator) bool {
return switch (self) {
.lt => switch (op) {
.lt => true,
.lte => true,
.eq => false,
.gte => false,
.gt => false,
.neq => true,
.eq => switch (op) {
.lt => false,
.lte => true,
.eq => true,
.gte => true,
.gt => false,
.neq => false,
.gt => switch (op) {
.lt => false,
.lte => false,
.eq => false,
.gte => true,
.gt => true,
.neq => true,
/// Given two numbers, this function returns the order they are with respect to each other.
pub fn order(a: anytype, b: anytype) Order {
if (a == b) {
return .eq;
} else if (a < b) {
return .lt;
} else if (a > b) {
return .gt;
} else {
/// See also `Order`.
pub const CompareOperator = enum {
/// Less than (`<`)
/// Less than or equal (`<=`)
/// Equal (`==`)
/// Greater than or equal (`>=`)
/// Greater than (`>`)
/// Not equal (`!=`)
/// Reverse the direction of the comparison.
/// Use when swapping the left and right hand operands.
pub fn reverse(op: CompareOperator) CompareOperator {
return switch (op) {
.lt => .gt,
.lte => .gte,
.gt => .lt,
.gte => .lte,
.eq => .eq,
.neq => .neq,
/// This function does the same thing as comparison operators, however the
/// operator is a runtime-known enum value. Works on any operands that
/// support comparison operators.
pub fn compare(a: anytype, op: CompareOperator, b: anytype) bool {
return switch (op) {
.lt => a < b,
.lte => a <= b,
.eq => a == b,
.neq => a != b,
.gt => a > b,
.gte => a >= b,
test "compare between signed and unsigned" {
try testing.expect(compare(@as(i8, -1), .lt, @as(u8, 255)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(i8, 2), .gt, @as(u8, 1)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(i8, -1), .gte, @as(u8, 255)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(u8, 255), .gt, @as(i8, -1)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(u8, 255), .lte, @as(i8, -1)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(i8, -1), .lt, @as(u9, 255)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(i8, -1), .gte, @as(u9, 255)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(u9, 255), .gt, @as(i8, -1)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(u9, 255), .lte, @as(i8, -1)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(i9, -1), .lt, @as(u8, 255)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(i9, -1), .gte, @as(u8, 255)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(u8, 255), .gt, @as(i9, -1)));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(u8, 255), .lte, @as(i9, -1)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(u8, 1), .lt, @as(u8, 2)));
try testing.expect(@as(u8, @bitCast(@as(i8, -1))) == @as(u8, 255));
try testing.expect(!compare(@as(u8, 255), .eq, @as(i8, -1)));
try testing.expect(compare(@as(u8, 1), .eq, @as(u8, 1)));
test "order" {
try testing.expect(order(0, 0) == .eq);
try testing.expect(order(1, 0) == .gt);
try testing.expect(order(-1, 0) == .lt);
test "order.invert" {
try testing.expect(Order.invert(order(0, 0)) == .eq);
try testing.expect(Order.invert(order(1, 0)) == .lt);
try testing.expect(Order.invert(order(-1, 0)) == .gt);
test "order.compare" {
try testing.expect(order(-1, 0).compare(.lt));
try testing.expect(order(-1, 0).compare(.lte));
try testing.expect(order(0, 0).compare(.lte));
try testing.expect(order(0, 0).compare(.eq));
try testing.expect(order(0, 0).compare(.gte));
try testing.expect(order(1, 0).compare(.gte));
try testing.expect(order(1, 0).compare(.gt));
try testing.expect(order(1, 0).compare(.neq));
test "compare.reverse" {
inline for (@typeInfo(CompareOperator).Enum.fields) |op_field| {
const op = @as(CompareOperator, @enumFromInt(op_field.value));
try testing.expect(compare(2, op, 3) == compare(3, op.reverse(), 2));
try testing.expect(compare(3, op, 3) == compare(3, op.reverse(), 3));
try testing.expect(compare(4, op, 3) == compare(3, op.reverse(), 4));
/// Returns a mask of all ones if value is true,
/// and a mask of all zeroes if value is false.
/// Compiles to one instruction for register sized integers.
pub inline fn boolMask(comptime MaskInt: type, value: bool) MaskInt {
if (@typeInfo(MaskInt) != .Int)
@compileError("boolMask requires an integer mask type.");
if (MaskInt == u0 or MaskInt == i0)
@compileError("boolMask cannot convert to u0 or i0, they are too small.");
// The u1 and i1 cases tend to overflow,
// so we special case them here.
if (MaskInt == u1) return @intFromBool(value);
if (MaskInt == i1) {
// The @as here is a workaround for #7950
return @as(i1, @bitCast(@as(u1, @intFromBool(value))));
return -%@as(MaskInt, @intCast(@intFromBool(value)));
test "boolMask" {
const runTest = struct {
fn runTest() !void {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 0), boolMask(u1, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u1, 1), boolMask(u1, true));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i1, 0), boolMask(i1, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i1, -1), boolMask(i1, true));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u13, 0), boolMask(u13, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u13, 0x1FFF), boolMask(u13, true));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i13, 0), boolMask(i13, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i13, -1), boolMask(i13, true));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), boolMask(u32, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0xFFFF_FFFF), boolMask(u32, true));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 0), boolMask(i32, false));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, -1), boolMask(i32, true));
try runTest();
try comptime runTest();
/// Return the mod of `num` with the smallest integer type
pub fn comptimeMod(num: anytype, comptime denom: comptime_int) IntFittingRange(0, denom - 1) {
return @as(IntFittingRange(0, denom - 1), @intCast(@mod(num, denom)));
pub const F80 = struct {
fraction: u64,
exp: u16,
pub fn make_f80(repr: F80) f80 {
const int = (@as(u80, repr.exp) << 64) | repr.fraction;
return @as(f80, @bitCast(int));
pub fn break_f80(x: f80) F80 {
const int = @as(u80, @bitCast(x));
return .{
.fraction = @as(u64, @truncate(int)),
.exp = @as(u16, @truncate(int >> 64)),
/// Returns -1, 0, or 1.
/// Supports integer and float types and vectors of integer and float types.
/// Unsigned integer types will always return 0 or 1.
/// Branchless.
pub inline fn sign(i: anytype) @TypeOf(i) {
const T = @TypeOf(i);
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Int, .ComptimeInt => @as(T, @intFromBool(i > 0)) - @as(T, @intFromBool(i < 0)),
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => @as(T, @floatFromInt(@intFromBool(i > 0))) - @as(T, @floatFromInt(@intFromBool(i < 0))),
.Vector => |vinfo| blk: {
switch (@typeInfo(vinfo.child)) {
.Int, .Float => {
const zero: T = @splat(0);
const one: T = @splat(1);
break :blk @select(vinfo.child, i > zero, one, zero) - @select(vinfo.child, i < zero, one, zero);
else => @compileError("Expected vector of ints or floats, found " ++ @typeName(T)),
else => @compileError("Expected an int, float or vector of one, found " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn testSign() !void {
// each of the following blocks checks the inputs
// 2, -2, 0, { 2, -2, 0 } provide expected output
// 1, -1, 0, { 1, -1, 0 } for the given T
// (negative values omitted for unsigned types)
const T = i8;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
const T = i32;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
const T = i64;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
const T = u8;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(2, T){ 1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(2, T){ 2, 0 }));
const T = u32;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(2, T){ 1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(2, T){ 2, 0 }));
const T = u64;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(2, T){ 1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(2, T){ 2, 0 }));
const T = f16;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
const T = f32;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
const T = f64;
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 1), sign(@as(T, 2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, -1), sign(@as(T, -2)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(T, 0), sign(@as(T, 0)));
try std.testing.expectEqual(@Vector(3, T){ 1, -1, 0 }, sign(@Vector(3, T){ 2, -2, 0 }));
// comptime_int
try std.testing.expectEqual(-1, sign(-10));
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, sign(10));
try std.testing.expectEqual(0, sign(0));
// comptime_float
try std.testing.expectEqual(-1.0, sign(-10.0));
try std.testing.expectEqual(1.0, sign(10.0));
try std.testing.expectEqual(0.0, sign(0.0));
test "sign" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_llvm) {
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/12012
return error.SkipZigTest;
try testSign();
try comptime testSign();