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const std = @import("std.zig");
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const testing = std.testing;
const root = @import("root");
pub const trait = @import("meta/trait.zig");
pub const TrailerFlags = @import("meta/trailer_flags.zig").TrailerFlags;
const Type = std.builtin.Type;
test {
_ = TrailerFlags;
pub const tagName = @compileError("deprecated; use @tagName or @errorName directly");
pub const isTag = @compileError("deprecated; use 'tagged_value == @field(E, tag_name)' directly");
/// Returns the variant of an enum type, `T`, which is named `str`, or `null` if no such variant exists.
pub fn stringToEnum(comptime T: type, str: []const u8) ?T {
// Using ComptimeStringMap here is more performant, but it will start to take too
// long to compile if the enum is large enough, due to the current limits of comptime
// performance when doing things like constructing lookup maps at comptime.
// TODO The '100' here is arbitrary and should be increased when possible:
// - https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4055
// - https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3863
if (@typeInfo(T).Enum.fields.len <= 100) {
const kvs = comptime build_kvs: {
const EnumKV = struct { []const u8, T };
var kvs_array: [@typeInfo(T).Enum.fields.len]EnumKV = undefined;
inline for (@typeInfo(T).Enum.fields, 0..) |enumField, i| {
kvs_array[i] = .{ enumField.name, @field(T, enumField.name) };
break :build_kvs kvs_array[0..];
const map = std.ComptimeStringMap(T, kvs);
return map.get(str);
} else {
inline for (@typeInfo(T).Enum.fields) |enumField| {
if (mem.eql(u8, str, enumField.name)) {
return @field(T, enumField.name);
return null;
test "std.meta.stringToEnum" {
const E1 = enum {
try testing.expect(E1.A == stringToEnum(E1, "A").?);
try testing.expect(E1.B == stringToEnum(E1, "B").?);
try testing.expect(null == stringToEnum(E1, "C"));
/// Returns the alignment of type T.
/// Note that if T is a pointer or function type the result is different than
/// the one returned by @alignOf(T).
/// If T is a pointer type the alignment of the type it points to is returned.
/// If T is a function type the alignment a target-dependent value is returned.
pub fn alignment(comptime T: type) comptime_int {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Optional => |info| switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Pointer, .Fn => alignment(info.child),
else => @alignOf(T),
.Pointer => |info| info.alignment,
.Fn => |info| info.alignment,
else => @alignOf(T),
test "std.meta.alignment" {
try testing.expect(alignment(u8) == 1);
try testing.expect(alignment(*align(1) u8) == 1);
try testing.expect(alignment(*align(2) u8) == 2);
try testing.expect(alignment([]align(1) u8) == 1);
try testing.expect(alignment([]align(2) u8) == 2);
try testing.expect(alignment(fn () void) > 0);
try testing.expect(alignment(fn () align(128) void) == 128);
/// Given a parameterized type (array, vector, pointer, optional), returns the "child type".
pub fn Child(comptime T: type) type {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Array => |info| info.child,
.Vector => |info| info.child,
.Pointer => |info| info.child,
.Optional => |info| info.child,
else => @compileError("Expected pointer, optional, array or vector type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
test "std.meta.Child" {
try testing.expect(Child([1]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Child(*u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Child([]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Child(?u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Child(@Vector(2, u8)) == u8);
/// Given a "memory span" type (array, slice, vector, or pointer to such), returns the "element type".
pub fn Elem(comptime T: type) type {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Array => |info| return info.child,
.Vector => |info| return info.child,
.Pointer => |info| switch (info.size) {
.One => switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Array => |array_info| return array_info.child,
.Vector => |vector_info| return vector_info.child,
else => {},
.Many, .C, .Slice => return info.child,
.Optional => |info| return Elem(info.child),
else => {},
@compileError("Expected pointer, slice, array or vector type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'");
test "std.meta.Elem" {
try testing.expect(Elem([1]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem([*]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem([]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem(*[10]u8) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem(@Vector(2, u8)) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem(*@Vector(2, u8)) == u8);
try testing.expect(Elem(?[*]u8) == u8);
/// Given a type which can have a sentinel e.g. `[:0]u8`, returns the sentinel value,
/// or `null` if there is not one.
/// Types which cannot possibly have a sentinel will be a compile error.
pub fn sentinel(comptime T: type) ?Elem(T) {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Array => |info| {
const sentinel_ptr = info.sentinel orelse return null;
return @as(*const info.child, @ptrCast(sentinel_ptr)).*;
.Pointer => |info| {
switch (info.size) {
.Many, .Slice => {
const sentinel_ptr = info.sentinel orelse return null;
return @as(*align(1) const info.child, @ptrCast(sentinel_ptr)).*;
.One => switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Array => |array_info| {
const sentinel_ptr = array_info.sentinel orelse return null;
return @as(*align(1) const array_info.child, @ptrCast(sentinel_ptr)).*;
else => {},
else => {},
else => {},
@compileError("type '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "' cannot possibly have a sentinel");
test "std.meta.sentinel" {
try testSentinel();
try comptime testSentinel();
fn testSentinel() !void {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), sentinel([:0]u8).?);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), sentinel([*:0]u8).?);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), sentinel([5:0]u8).?);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), sentinel(*const [5:0]u8).?);
try testing.expect(sentinel([]u8) == null);
try testing.expect(sentinel([*]u8) == null);
try testing.expect(sentinel([5]u8) == null);
try testing.expect(sentinel(*const [5]u8) == null);
/// Given a "memory span" type, returns the same type except with the given sentinel value.
pub fn Sentinel(comptime T: type, comptime sentinel_val: Elem(T)) type {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Pointer => |info| switch (info.size) {
.One => switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Array => |array_info| return @Type(.{
.Pointer = .{
.size = info.size,
.is_const = info.is_const,
.is_volatile = info.is_volatile,
.alignment = info.alignment,
.address_space = info.address_space,
.child = @Type(.{
.Array = .{
.len = array_info.len,
.child = array_info.child,
.sentinel = @as(?*const anyopaque, @ptrCast(&sentinel_val)),
.is_allowzero = info.is_allowzero,
.sentinel = info.sentinel,
else => {},
.Many, .Slice => return @Type(.{
.Pointer = .{
.size = info.size,
.is_const = info.is_const,
.is_volatile = info.is_volatile,
.alignment = info.alignment,
.address_space = info.address_space,
.child = info.child,
.is_allowzero = info.is_allowzero,
.sentinel = @as(?*const anyopaque, @ptrCast(&sentinel_val)),
else => {},
.Optional => |info| switch (@typeInfo(info.child)) {
.Pointer => |ptr_info| switch (ptr_info.size) {
.Many => return @Type(.{
.Optional = .{
.child = @Type(.{
.Pointer = .{
.size = ptr_info.size,
.is_const = ptr_info.is_const,
.is_volatile = ptr_info.is_volatile,
.alignment = ptr_info.alignment,
.address_space = ptr_info.address_space,
.child = ptr_info.child,
.is_allowzero = ptr_info.is_allowzero,
.sentinel = @as(?*const anyopaque, @ptrCast(&sentinel_val)),
else => {},
else => {},
else => {},
@compileError("Unable to derive a sentinel pointer type from " ++ @typeName(T));
pub const assumeSentinel = @compileError("This function has been removed, consider using std.mem.sliceTo() or if needed a @ptrCast()");
pub fn containerLayout(comptime T: type) Type.ContainerLayout {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |info| info.layout,
.Union => |info| info.layout,
else => @compileError("expected struct or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
test "std.meta.containerLayout" {
const S1 = struct {};
const S2 = packed struct {};
const S3 = extern struct {};
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
const U2 = packed union {
a: u8,
const U3 = extern union {
a: u8,
try testing.expect(containerLayout(S1) == .Auto);
try testing.expect(containerLayout(S2) == .Packed);
try testing.expect(containerLayout(S3) == .Extern);
try testing.expect(containerLayout(U1) == .Auto);
try testing.expect(containerLayout(U2) == .Packed);
try testing.expect(containerLayout(U3) == .Extern);
/// Instead of this function, prefer to use e.g. `@typeInfo(foo).Struct.decls`
/// directly when you know what kind of type it is.
pub fn declarations(comptime T: type) []const Type.Declaration {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |info| info.decls,
.Enum => |info| info.decls,
.Union => |info| info.decls,
.Opaque => |info| info.decls,
else => @compileError("Expected struct, enum, union, or opaque type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
test "std.meta.declarations" {
const E1 = enum {
fn a() void {}
const S1 = struct {
fn a() void {}
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
fn a() void {}
const O1 = opaque {
fn a() void {}
const decls = comptime [_][]const Type.Declaration{
inline for (decls) |decl| {
try testing.expect(decl.len == 1);
try testing.expect(comptime mem.eql(u8, decl[0].name, "a"));
pub fn declarationInfo(comptime T: type, comptime decl_name: []const u8) Type.Declaration {
inline for (comptime declarations(T)) |decl| {
if (comptime mem.eql(u8, decl.name, decl_name))
return decl;
@compileError("'" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "' has no declaration '" ++ decl_name ++ "'");
test "std.meta.declarationInfo" {
const E1 = enum {
fn a() void {}
const S1 = struct {
fn a() void {}
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
fn a() void {}
const infos = comptime [_]Type.Declaration{
declarationInfo(E1, "a"),
declarationInfo(S1, "a"),
declarationInfo(U1, "a"),
inline for (infos) |info| {
try testing.expect(comptime mem.eql(u8, info.name, "a"));
try testing.expect(!info.is_pub);
pub fn fields(comptime T: type) switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => []const Type.StructField,
.Union => []const Type.UnionField,
.ErrorSet => []const Type.Error,
.Enum => []const Type.EnumField,
else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
} {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |info| info.fields,
.Union => |info| info.fields,
.Enum => |info| info.fields,
.ErrorSet => |errors| errors.?, // must be non global error set
else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
test "std.meta.fields" {
const E1 = enum {
const E2 = error{A};
const S1 = struct {
a: u8,
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
const e1f = comptime fields(E1);
const e2f = comptime fields(E2);
const sf = comptime fields(S1);
const uf = comptime fields(U1);
try testing.expect(e1f.len == 1);
try testing.expect(e2f.len == 1);
try testing.expect(sf.len == 1);
try testing.expect(uf.len == 1);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e1f[0].name, "A"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e2f[0].name, "A"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, sf[0].name, "a"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, uf[0].name, "a"));
try testing.expect(comptime sf[0].type == u8);
try testing.expect(comptime uf[0].type == u8);
pub fn fieldInfo(comptime T: type, comptime field: FieldEnum(T)) switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => Type.StructField,
.Union => Type.UnionField,
.ErrorSet => Type.Error,
.Enum => Type.EnumField,
else => @compileError("Expected struct, union, error set or enum type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
} {
return fields(T)[@intFromEnum(field)];
test "std.meta.fieldInfo" {
const E1 = enum {
const E2 = error{A};
const S1 = struct {
a: u8,
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
const e1f = fieldInfo(E1, .A);
const e2f = fieldInfo(E2, .A);
const sf = fieldInfo(S1, .a);
const uf = fieldInfo(U1, .a);
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e1f.name, "A"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, e2f.name, "A"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, sf.name, "a"));
try testing.expect(mem.eql(u8, uf.name, "a"));
try testing.expect(comptime sf.type == u8);
try testing.expect(comptime uf.type == u8);
pub fn FieldType(comptime T: type, comptime field: FieldEnum(T)) type {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Struct and @typeInfo(T) != .Union) {
@compileError("Expected struct or union, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'");
return fieldInfo(T, field).type;
test "std.meta.FieldType" {
const S = struct {
a: u8,
b: u16,
const U = union {
c: u32,
d: *const u8,
try testing.expect(FieldType(S, .a) == u8);
try testing.expect(FieldType(S, .b) == u16);
try testing.expect(FieldType(U, .c) == u32);
try testing.expect(FieldType(U, .d) == *const u8);
pub fn fieldNames(comptime T: type) *const [fields(T).len][]const u8 {
return comptime blk: {
const fieldInfos = fields(T);
var names: [fieldInfos.len][]const u8 = undefined;
for (fieldInfos, 0..) |field, i| {
names[i] = field.name;
break :blk &names;
test "std.meta.fieldNames" {
const E1 = enum { A, B };
const E2 = error{A};
const S1 = struct {
a: u8,
const U1 = union {
a: u8,
b: void,
const e1names = fieldNames(E1);
const e2names = fieldNames(E2);
const s1names = fieldNames(S1);
const u1names = fieldNames(U1);
try testing.expect(e1names.len == 2);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, e1names[0], "A");
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, e1names[1], "B");
try testing.expect(e2names.len == 1);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, e2names[0], "A");
try testing.expect(s1names.len == 1);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, s1names[0], "a");
try testing.expect(u1names.len == 2);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, u1names[0], "a");
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, u1names[1], "b");
/// Given an enum or error set type, returns a pointer to an array containing all tags for that
/// enum or error set.
pub fn tags(comptime T: type) *const [fields(T).len]T {
return comptime blk: {
const fieldInfos = fields(T);
var res: [fieldInfos.len]T = undefined;
for (fieldInfos, 0..) |field, i| {
res[i] = @field(T, field.name);
break :blk &res;
test "std.meta.tags" {
const E1 = enum { A, B };
const E2 = error{A};
const e1_tags = tags(E1);
const e2_tags = tags(E2);
try testing.expect(e1_tags.len == 2);
try testing.expectEqual(E1.A, e1_tags[0]);
try testing.expectEqual(E1.B, e1_tags[1]);
try testing.expect(e2_tags.len == 1);
try testing.expectEqual(E2.A, e2_tags[0]);
/// Returns an enum with a variant named after each field of `T`.
pub fn FieldEnum(comptime T: type) type {
const field_infos = fields(T);
if (field_infos.len == 0) {
return @Type(.{
.Enum = .{
.tag_type = u0,
.fields = &.{},
.decls = &.{},
.is_exhaustive = true,
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Union) {
if (@typeInfo(T).Union.tag_type) |tag_type| {
for (std.enums.values(tag_type), 0..) |v, i| {
if (@intFromEnum(v) != i) break; // enum values not consecutive
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, @tagName(v), field_infos[i].name)) break; // fields out of order
} else {
return tag_type;
var enumFields: [field_infos.len]std.builtin.Type.EnumField = undefined;
var decls = [_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{};
inline for (field_infos, 0..) |field, i| {
enumFields[i] = .{
.name = field.name,
.value = i,
return @Type(.{
.Enum = .{
.tag_type = std.math.IntFittingRange(0, field_infos.len - 1),
.fields = &enumFields,
.decls = &decls,
.is_exhaustive = true,
fn expectEqualEnum(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected)) !void {
// TODO: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7419
// testing.expectEqual(@typeInfo(expected).Enum, @typeInfo(actual).Enum);
try testing.expectEqual(
// For comparing decls and fields, we cannot use the meta eql function here
// because the language does not guarantee that the slice pointers for field names
// and decl names will be the same.
comptime {
const expected_fields = @typeInfo(expected).Enum.fields;
const actual_fields = @typeInfo(actual).Enum.fields;
if (expected_fields.len != actual_fields.len) return error.FailedTest;
for (expected_fields, 0..) |expected_field, i| {
const actual_field = actual_fields[i];
try testing.expectEqual(expected_field.value, actual_field.value);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_field.name, actual_field.name);
comptime {
const expected_decls = @typeInfo(expected).Enum.decls;
const actual_decls = @typeInfo(actual).Enum.decls;
if (expected_decls.len != actual_decls.len) return error.FailedTest;
for (expected_decls, 0..) |expected_decl, i| {
const actual_decl = actual_decls[i];
try testing.expectEqual(expected_decl.is_pub, actual_decl.is_pub);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_decl.name, actual_decl.name);
try testing.expectEqual(
test "std.meta.FieldEnum" {
try expectEqualEnum(enum {}, FieldEnum(struct {}));
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a }, FieldEnum(struct { a: u8 }));
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a, b, c }, FieldEnum(struct { a: u8, b: void, c: f32 }));
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a, b, c }, FieldEnum(union { a: u8, b: void, c: f32 }));
const Tagged = union(enum) { a: u8, b: void, c: f32 };
try testing.expectEqual(Tag(Tagged), FieldEnum(Tagged));
const Tag2 = enum { b, c, a };
const Tagged2 = union(Tag2) { a: u8, b: void, c: f32 };
try testing.expect(Tag(Tagged2) != FieldEnum(Tagged2));
const Tag3 = enum(u8) { a, b, c = 7 };
const Tagged3 = union(Tag3) { a: u8, b: void, c: f32 };
try testing.expect(Tag(Tagged3) != FieldEnum(Tagged3));
pub fn DeclEnum(comptime T: type) type {
const fieldInfos = std.meta.declarations(T);
var enumDecls: [fieldInfos.len]std.builtin.Type.EnumField = undefined;
var decls = [_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{};
inline for (fieldInfos, 0..) |field, i| {
enumDecls[i] = .{ .name = field.name, .value = i };
return @Type(.{
.Enum = .{
.tag_type = std.math.IntFittingRange(0, fieldInfos.len - 1),
.fields = &enumDecls,
.decls = &decls,
.is_exhaustive = true,
test "std.meta.DeclEnum" {
const A = struct {
const a: u8 = 0;
const B = union {
foo: void,
const a: u8 = 0;
const b: void = {};
const c: f32 = 0;
const C = enum {
const a: u8 = 0;
const b: void = {};
const c: f32 = 0;
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a }, DeclEnum(A));
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a, b, c }, DeclEnum(B));
try expectEqualEnum(enum { a, b, c }, DeclEnum(C));
pub fn Tag(comptime T: type) type {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Enum => |info| info.tag_type,
.Union => |info| info.tag_type orelse @compileError(@typeName(T) ++ " has no tag type"),
else => @compileError("expected enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"),
test "std.meta.Tag" {
const E = enum(u8) {
C = 33,
const U = union(E) {
C: u8,
D: u16,
try testing.expect(Tag(E) == u8);
try testing.expect(Tag(U) == E);
///Returns the active tag of a tagged union
pub fn activeTag(u: anytype) Tag(@TypeOf(u)) {
const T = @TypeOf(u);
return @as(Tag(T), u);
test "std.meta.activeTag" {
const UE = enum {
const U = union(UE) {
Int: u32,
Float: f32,
var u = U{ .Int = 32 };
try testing.expect(activeTag(u) == UE.Int);
u = U{ .Float = 112.9876 };
try testing.expect(activeTag(u) == UE.Float);
const TagPayloadType = TagPayload;
pub fn TagPayloadByName(comptime U: type, comptime tag_name: []const u8) type {
comptime debug.assert(trait.is(.Union)(U));
const info = @typeInfo(U).Union;
inline for (info.fields) |field_info| {
if (comptime mem.eql(u8, field_info.name, tag_name))
return field_info.type;
/// Given a tagged union type, and an enum, return the type of the union field
/// corresponding to the enum tag.
pub fn TagPayload(comptime U: type, comptime tag: Tag(U)) type {
return TagPayloadByName(U, @tagName(tag));
test "std.meta.TagPayload" {
const Event = union(enum) {
Moved: struct {
from: i32,
to: i32,
const MovedEvent = TagPayload(Event, Event.Moved);
var e: Event = undefined;
try testing.expect(MovedEvent == @TypeOf(e.Moved));
/// Compares two of any type for equality. Containers are compared on a field-by-field basis,
/// where possible. Pointers are not followed.
pub fn eql(a: anytype, b: @TypeOf(a)) bool {
const T = @TypeOf(a);
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => |info| {
inline for (info.fields) |field_info| {
if (!eql(@field(a, field_info.name), @field(b, field_info.name))) return false;
return true;
.ErrorUnion => {
if (a) |a_p| {
if (b) |b_p| return eql(a_p, b_p) else |_| return false;
} else |a_e| {
if (b) |_| return false else |b_e| return a_e == b_e;
.Union => |info| {
if (info.tag_type) |UnionTag| {
const tag_a = activeTag(a);
const tag_b = activeTag(b);
if (tag_a != tag_b) return false;
inline for (info.fields) |field_info| {
if (@field(UnionTag, field_info.name) == tag_a) {
return eql(@field(a, field_info.name), @field(b, field_info.name));
return false;
@compileError("cannot compare untagged union type " ++ @typeName(T));
.Array => {
if (a.len != b.len) return false;
for (a, 0..) |e, i|
if (!eql(e, b[i])) return false;
return true;
.Vector => |info| {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < info.len) : (i += 1) {
if (!eql(a[i], b[i])) return false;
return true;
.Pointer => |info| {
return switch (info.size) {
.One, .Many, .C => a == b,
.Slice => a.ptr == b.ptr and a.len == b.len,
.Optional => {
if (a == null and b == null) return true;
if (a == null or b == null) return false;
return eql(a.?, b.?);
else => return a == b,
test "std.meta.eql" {
const S = struct {
a: u32,
b: f64,
c: [5]u8,
const U = union(enum) {
s: S,
f: ?f32,
const s_1 = S{
.a = 134,
.b = 123.3,
.c = "12345".*,
var s_3 = S{
.a = 134,
.b = 123.3,
.c = "12345".*,
const u_1 = U{ .f = 24 };
const u_2 = U{ .s = s_1 };
const u_3 = U{ .f = 24 };
try testing.expect(eql(s_1, s_3));
try testing.expect(eql(&s_1, &s_1));
try testing.expect(!eql(&s_1, &s_3));
try testing.expect(eql(u_1, u_3));
try testing.expect(!eql(u_1, u_2));
var a1 = "abcdef".*;
var a2 = "abcdef".*;
var a3 = "ghijkl".*;
try testing.expect(eql(a1, a2));
try testing.expect(!eql(a1, a3));
try testing.expect(!eql(a1[0..], a2[0..]));
const EU = struct {
fn tst(err: bool) !u8 {
if (err) return error.Error;
return @as(u8, 5);
try testing.expect(eql(EU.tst(true), EU.tst(true)));
try testing.expect(eql(EU.tst(false), EU.tst(false)));
try testing.expect(!eql(EU.tst(false), EU.tst(true)));
const V = @Vector(4, u32);
var v1: V = @splat(1);
var v2: V = @splat(1);
var v3: V = @splat(2);
try testing.expect(eql(v1, v2));
try testing.expect(!eql(v1, v3));
test "intToEnum with error return" {
const E1 = enum {
const E2 = enum {
const E3 = enum(i8) { A, _ };
var zero: u8 = 0;
var one: u16 = 1;
try testing.expect(intToEnum(E1, zero) catch unreachable == E1.A);
try testing.expect(intToEnum(E2, one) catch unreachable == E2.B);
try testing.expect(intToEnum(E3, zero) catch unreachable == E3.A);
try testing.expect(intToEnum(E3, 127) catch unreachable == @as(E3, @enumFromInt(127)));
try testing.expect(intToEnum(E3, -128) catch unreachable == @as(E3, @enumFromInt(-128)));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidEnumTag, intToEnum(E1, one));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidEnumTag, intToEnum(E3, 128));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidEnumTag, intToEnum(E3, -129));
pub const IntToEnumError = error{InvalidEnumTag};
pub fn intToEnum(comptime EnumTag: type, tag_int: anytype) IntToEnumError!EnumTag {
const enum_info = @typeInfo(EnumTag).Enum;
if (!enum_info.is_exhaustive) {
if (std.math.cast(enum_info.tag_type, tag_int)) |tag| {
return @as(EnumTag, @enumFromInt(tag));
return error.InvalidEnumTag;
inline for (enum_info.fields) |f| {
const this_tag_value = @field(EnumTag, f.name);
if (tag_int == @intFromEnum(this_tag_value)) {
return this_tag_value;
return error.InvalidEnumTag;
/// Given a type and a name, return the field index according to source order.
/// Returns `null` if the field is not found.
pub fn fieldIndex(comptime T: type, comptime name: []const u8) ?comptime_int {
inline for (fields(T), 0..) |field, i| {
if (mem.eql(u8, field.name, name))
return i;
return null;
pub const refAllDecls = @compileError("refAllDecls has been moved from std.meta to std.testing");
/// Returns a slice of pointers to public declarations of a namespace.
pub fn declList(comptime Namespace: type, comptime Decl: type) []const *const Decl {
const S = struct {
fn declNameLessThan(context: void, lhs: *const Decl, rhs: *const Decl) bool {
_ = context;
return mem.lessThan(u8, lhs.name, rhs.name);
comptime {
const decls = declarations(Namespace);
var array: [decls.len]*const Decl = undefined;
for (decls, 0..) |decl, i| {
array[i] = &@field(Namespace, decl.name);
mem.sort(*const Decl, &array, {}, S.declNameLessThan);
return &array;
pub const IntType = @compileError("replaced by std.meta.Int");
pub fn Int(comptime signedness: std.builtin.Signedness, comptime bit_count: u16) type {
return @Type(.{
.Int = .{
.signedness = signedness,
.bits = bit_count,
pub fn Float(comptime bit_count: u8) type {
return @Type(.{
.Float = .{ .bits = bit_count },
test "std.meta.Float" {
try testing.expectEqual(f16, Float(16));
try testing.expectEqual(f32, Float(32));
try testing.expectEqual(f64, Float(64));
try testing.expectEqual(f128, Float(128));
/// For a given function type, returns a tuple type which fields will
/// correspond to the argument types.
/// Examples:
/// - `ArgsTuple(fn() void)` ⇒ `tuple { }`
/// - `ArgsTuple(fn(a: u32) u32)` ⇒ `tuple { u32 }`
/// - `ArgsTuple(fn(a: u32, b: f16) noreturn)` ⇒ `tuple { u32, f16 }`
pub fn ArgsTuple(comptime Function: type) type {
const info = @typeInfo(Function);
if (info != .Fn)
@compileError("ArgsTuple expects a function type");
const function_info = info.Fn;
if (function_info.is_var_args)
@compileError("Cannot create ArgsTuple for variadic function");
var argument_field_list: [function_info.params.len]type = undefined;
inline for (function_info.params, 0..) |arg, i| {
const T = arg.type orelse @compileError("cannot create ArgsTuple for function with an 'anytype' parameter");
argument_field_list[i] = T;
return CreateUniqueTuple(argument_field_list.len, argument_field_list);
/// For a given anonymous list of types, returns a new tuple type
/// with those types as fields.
/// Examples:
/// - `Tuple(&[_]type {})` ⇒ `tuple { }`
/// - `Tuple(&[_]type {f32})` ⇒ `tuple { f32 }`
/// - `Tuple(&[_]type {f32,u32})` ⇒ `tuple { f32, u32 }`
pub fn Tuple(comptime types: []const type) type {
return CreateUniqueTuple(types.len, types[0..types.len].*);
fn CreateUniqueTuple(comptime N: comptime_int, comptime types: [N]type) type {
var tuple_fields: [types.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
inline for (types, 0..) |T, i| {
var num_buf: [128]u8 = undefined;
tuple_fields[i] = .{
.name = std.fmt.bufPrint(&num_buf, "{d}", .{i}) catch unreachable,
.type = T,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = if (@sizeOf(T) > 0) @alignOf(T) else 0,
return @Type(.{
.Struct = .{
.is_tuple = true,
.layout = .Auto,
.decls = &.{},
.fields = &tuple_fields,
const TupleTester = struct {
fn assertTypeEqual(comptime Expected: type, comptime Actual: type) void {
if (Expected != Actual)
@compileError("Expected type " ++ @typeName(Expected) ++ ", but got type " ++ @typeName(Actual));
fn assertTuple(comptime expected: anytype, comptime Actual: type) void {
const info = @typeInfo(Actual);
if (info != .Struct)
@compileError("Expected struct type");
if (!info.Struct.is_tuple)
@compileError("Struct type must be a tuple type");
const fields_list = std.meta.fields(Actual);
if (expected.len != fields_list.len)
@compileError("Argument count mismatch");
inline for (fields_list, 0..) |fld, i| {
if (expected[i] != fld.type) {
@compileError("Field " ++ fld.name ++ " expected to be type " ++ @typeName(expected[i]) ++ ", but was type " ++ @typeName(fld.type));
test "ArgsTuple" {
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{}, ArgsTuple(fn () void));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{u32}, ArgsTuple(fn (a: u32) []const u8));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{ u32, f16 }, ArgsTuple(fn (a: u32, b: f16) noreturn));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{ u32, f16, []const u8, void }, ArgsTuple(fn (a: u32, b: f16, c: []const u8, void) noreturn));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{u32}, ArgsTuple(fn (comptime a: u32) []const u8));
test "Tuple" {
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{}, Tuple(&[_]type{}));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{u32}, Tuple(&[_]type{u32}));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{ u32, f16 }, Tuple(&[_]type{ u32, f16 }));
TupleTester.assertTuple(.{ u32, f16, []const u8, void }, Tuple(&[_]type{ u32, f16, []const u8, void }));
test "Tuple deduplication" {
const T1 = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u32, f32, i8 });
const T2 = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u32, f32, i8 });
const T3 = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u32, f32, i7 });
if (T1 != T2) {
@compileError("std.meta.Tuple doesn't deduplicate tuple types.");
if (T1 == T3) {
@compileError("std.meta.Tuple fails to generate different types.");
test "ArgsTuple forwarding" {
const T1 = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u32, f32, i8 });
const T2 = std.meta.ArgsTuple(fn (u32, f32, i8) void);
const T3 = std.meta.ArgsTuple(fn (u32, f32, i8) callconv(.C) noreturn);
if (T1 != T2) {
@compileError("std.meta.ArgsTuple produces different types than std.meta.Tuple");
if (T1 != T3) {
@compileError("std.meta.ArgsTuple produces different types for the same argument lists.");
/// TODO: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/425
pub fn globalOption(comptime name: []const u8, comptime T: type) ?T {
if (!@hasDecl(root, name))
return null;
return @as(T, @field(root, name));
/// Returns whether `error_union` contains an error.
pub fn isError(error_union: anytype) bool {
return if (error_union) |_| false else |_| true;
test "isError" {
try std.testing.expect(isError(math.absInt(@as(i8, -128))));
try std.testing.expect(!isError(math.absInt(@as(i8, -127))));