alex abd960873c test/standalone: reinstate std.ChildProcess tests
67d5bfef removed std.ChildProcess tests, suggesting to make them
standalone instead. This commit does exactly that after the
bug creating SIGPIPE in ReleaseFast is no more with LLVM 15.0.5.

Thanks to @x1ddos for the idea with the compile artifacts and PR
2023-07-25 10:57:45 -07:00

56 lines
1.9 KiB

const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
// make sure safety checks are enabled even in release modes
var gpa_state = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{ .safety = true }){};
defer if (gpa_state.deinit() != .ok) {
@panic("found memory leaks");
const gpa = gpa_state.allocator();
var it = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(gpa);
defer it.deinit();
_ = it.next() orelse unreachable; // skip binary name
const child_path = it.next() orelse unreachable;
var child = std.ChildProcess.init(&.{ child_path, "hello arg" }, gpa);
child.stdin_behavior = .Pipe;
child.stdout_behavior = .Pipe;
child.stderr_behavior = .Inherit;
try child.spawn();
const child_stdin = child.stdin.?;
try child_stdin.writer().writeAll("hello from stdin"); // verified in child
child.stdin = null;
const hello_stdout = "hello from stdout";
var buf: [hello_stdout.len]u8 = undefined;
const n = try child.stdout.?.reader().readAll(&buf);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, buf[0..n], hello_stdout)) {
testError("child stdout: '{s}'; want '{s}'", .{ buf[0..n], hello_stdout });
switch (try child.wait()) {
.Exited => |code| {
const child_ok_code = 42; // set by child if no test errors
if (code != child_ok_code) {
testError("child exit code: {d}; want {d}", .{ code, child_ok_code });
else => |term| testError("abnormal child exit: {}", .{term}),
return if (parent_test_error) error.ParentTestError else {};
var parent_test_error = false;
fn testError(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
stderr.print("PARENT TEST ERROR: ", .{}) catch {};
stderr.print(fmt, args) catch {};
if (fmt[fmt.len - 1] != '\n') {
stderr.writeByte('\n') catch {};
parent_test_error = true;