kcbanner a9b68308b9 cbe: fixes for tls, support for not linking libc, and enabling tests
- cbe: Implement linksection support, to support TLS when not linking libc
- cbe: Support under-aligned variables / struct fields
- cbe: Support packed structs (in the C definition of packed)
- windows: Fix regression with x86 _tls_array
- compiler_rt: Add 128-bit atomics to compiler_rt
- tests: Re-enable threadlocal tests on cbe+windows, and llvm+x86
- tests: Re-enable f80 tests that now pass
- ci: change windows ci to run the CBE behaviour tests with -lc, to match how the compiler is bootstrapped
- update zig1.wasm
2023-01-29 15:04:13 -05:00

49 lines
1.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
export var _tls_index: u32 = std.os.windows.TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
export var _tls_start: u8 linksection(".tls") = 0;
export var _tls_end: u8 linksection(".tls$ZZZ") = 0;
export var __xl_a: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLA") = null;
export var __xl_z: std.os.windows.PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK linksection(".CRT$XLZ") = null;
comptime {
if (builtin.target.cpu.arch == .x86 and builtin.zig_backend != .stage2_c) {
// The __tls_array is the offset of the ThreadLocalStoragePointer field
// in the TEB block whose base address held in the %fs segment.
asm (
\\ .global __tls_array
\\ __tls_array = 0x2C
// TODO this is how I would like it to be expressed
// TODO also note, ReactOS has a +1 on StartAddressOfRawData and AddressOfCallBacks. Investigate
// why they do that.
//export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = std.os.windows.IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY {
// .StartAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_start),
// .EndAddressOfRawData = @ptrToInt(&_tls_end),
// .AddressOfIndex = @ptrToInt(&_tls_index),
// .AddressOfCallBacks = @ptrToInt(__xl_a),
// .SizeOfZeroFill = 0,
// .Characteristics = 0,
// This is the workaround because we can't do @ptrToInt at comptime like that.
pub const IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY = extern struct {
StartAddressOfRawData: *anyopaque,
EndAddressOfRawData: *anyopaque,
AddressOfIndex: *anyopaque,
AddressOfCallBacks: *anyopaque,
SizeOfZeroFill: u32,
Characteristics: u32,
export const _tls_used linksection(".rdata$T") = IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY{
.StartAddressOfRawData = &_tls_start,
.EndAddressOfRawData = &_tls_end,
.AddressOfIndex = &_tls_index,
.AddressOfCallBacks = @ptrCast(*anyopaque, &__xl_a),
.SizeOfZeroFill = 0,
.Characteristics = 0,