Prokop Randacek 6fb23542fe Buffer the logging function
The default logging function used to have no buffer. So a single log
statement could result in many individual write syscalls each writing
only a couple of bytes.

After this change the logging function now has a 4kb buffer. Only log
statements longer than 4kb now do multiple write syscalls.

4kb is the default bufferedWriter size and was choosen arbitrarily.

The downside of this is that the log function now allocates 4kb more
stack space but I think that is an acceptable trade-off.
2024-02-09 14:02:57 -08:00

230 lines
8.2 KiB

//! std.log is a standardized interface for logging which allows for the logging
//! of programs and libraries using this interface to be formatted and filtered
//! by the implementer of the `std.options.logFn` function.
//! Each log message has an associated scope enum, which can be used to give
//! context to the logging. The logging functions in std.log implicitly use a
//! scope of .default.
//! A logging namespace using a custom scope can be created using the
//! std.log.scoped function, passing the scope as an argument; the logging
//! functions in the resulting struct use the provided scope parameter.
//! For example, a library called 'libfoo' might use
//! `const log = std.log.scoped(.libfoo);` to use .libfoo as the scope of its
//! log messages.
//! An example `logFn` might look something like this:
//! ```
//! const std = @import("std");
//! pub const std_options = .{
//! // Set the log level to info
//! .log_level = .info,
//! // Define logFn to override the std implementation
//! .logFn = myLogFn,
//! };
//! pub fn myLogFn(
//! comptime level: std.log.Level,
//! comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral),
//! comptime format: []const u8,
//! args: anytype,
//! ) void {
//! // Ignore all non-error logging from sources other than
//! // .my_project, .nice_library and the default
//! const scope_prefix = "(" ++ switch (scope) {
//! .my_project, .nice_library, std.log.default_log_scope => @tagName(scope),
//! else => if (@intFromEnum(level) <= @intFromEnum(std.log.Level.err))
//! @tagName(scope)
//! else
//! return,
//! } ++ "): ";
//! const prefix = "[" ++ comptime level.asText() ++ "] " ++ scope_prefix;
//! // Print the message to stderr, silently ignoring any errors
//! std.debug.getStderrMutex().lock();
//! defer std.debug.getStderrMutex().unlock();
//! const stderr = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
//! nosuspend stderr.print(prefix ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch return;
//! }
//! pub fn main() void {
//! // Using the default scope:
//! std.log.debug("A borderline useless debug log message", .{}); // Won't be printed as log_level is .info
//! std.log.info("Flux capacitor is starting to overheat", .{});
//! // Using scoped logging:
//! const my_project_log = std.log.scoped(.my_project);
//! const nice_library_log = std.log.scoped(.nice_library);
//! const verbose_lib_log = std.log.scoped(.verbose_lib);
//! my_project_log.debug("Starting up", .{}); // Won't be printed as log_level is .info
//! nice_library_log.warn("Something went very wrong, sorry", .{});
//! verbose_lib_log.warn("Added 1 + 1: {}", .{1 + 1}); // Won't be printed as it gets filtered out by our log function
//! }
//! ```
//! Which produces the following output:
//! ```
//! [info] (default): Flux capacitor is starting to overheat
//! [warning] (nice_library): Something went very wrong, sorry
//! ```
const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub const Level = enum {
/// Error: something has gone wrong. This might be recoverable or might
/// be followed by the program exiting.
/// Warning: it is uncertain if something has gone wrong or not, but the
/// circumstances would be worth investigating.
/// Info: general messages about the state of the program.
/// Debug: messages only useful for debugging.
/// Returns a string literal of the given level in full text form.
pub fn asText(comptime self: Level) []const u8 {
return switch (self) {
.err => "error",
.warn => "warning",
.info => "info",
.debug => "debug",
/// The default log level is based on build mode.
pub const default_level: Level = switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug => .debug,
.ReleaseSafe => .info,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => .err,
const level = std.options.log_level;
pub const ScopeLevel = struct {
scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral),
level: Level,
const scope_levels = std.options.log_scope_levels;
fn log(
comptime message_level: Level,
comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral),
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
if (comptime !logEnabled(message_level, scope)) return;
std.options.logFn(message_level, scope, format, args);
/// Determine if a specific log message level and scope combination are enabled for logging.
pub fn logEnabled(comptime message_level: Level, comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral)) bool {
inline for (scope_levels) |scope_level| {
if (scope_level.scope == scope) return @intFromEnum(message_level) <= @intFromEnum(scope_level.level);
return @intFromEnum(message_level) <= @intFromEnum(level);
/// Determine if a specific log message level using the default log scope is enabled for logging.
pub fn defaultLogEnabled(comptime message_level: Level) bool {
return comptime logEnabled(message_level, default_log_scope);
/// The default implementation for the log function, custom log functions may
/// forward log messages to this function.
pub fn defaultLog(
comptime message_level: Level,
comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral),
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
const level_txt = comptime message_level.asText();
const prefix2 = if (scope == .default) ": " else "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ "): ";
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr().writer();
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(stderr);
const writer = bw.writer();
defer std.debug.getStderrMutex().unlock();
nosuspend {
writer.print(level_txt ++ prefix2 ++ format ++ "\n", args) catch return;
bw.flush() catch return;
/// Returns a scoped logging namespace that logs all messages using the scope
/// provided here.
pub fn scoped(comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral)) type {
return struct {
/// Log an error message. This log level is intended to be used
/// when something has gone wrong. This might be recoverable or might
/// be followed by the program exiting.
pub fn err(
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
log(.err, scope, format, args);
/// Log a warning message. This log level is intended to be used if
/// it is uncertain whether something has gone wrong or not, but the
/// circumstances would be worth investigating.
pub fn warn(
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
log(.warn, scope, format, args);
/// Log an info message. This log level is intended to be used for
/// general messages about the state of the program.
pub fn info(
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
log(.info, scope, format, args);
/// Log a debug message. This log level is intended to be used for
/// messages which are only useful for debugging.
pub fn debug(
comptime format: []const u8,
args: anytype,
) void {
log(.debug, scope, format, args);
pub const default_log_scope = .default;
/// The default scoped logging namespace.
pub const default = scoped(default_log_scope);
/// Log an error message using the default scope. This log level is intended to
/// be used when something has gone wrong. This might be recoverable or might
/// be followed by the program exiting.
pub const err = default.err;
/// Log a warning message using the default scope. This log level is intended
/// to be used if it is uncertain whether something has gone wrong or not, but
/// the circumstances would be worth investigating.
pub const warn = default.warn;
/// Log an info message using the default scope. This log level is intended to
/// be used for general messages about the state of the program.
pub const info = default.info;
/// Log a debug message using the default scope. This log level is intended to
/// be used for messages which are only useful for debugging.
pub const debug = default.debug;