Conflicts: cmake/Findllvm.cmake The llvm11 branch changed 10's to 11's and master branch added the "using LLVM_CONFIG_EXE" help message, so the resolution was to merge these changes together. I also added a check to make sure LLVM is built with AVR enabled, which is no longer an experimental target.
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A general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
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Building from Source
Note that you can download a binary of master branch or install Zig from a package manager.
Stage 1: Build Zig from C++ Source Code
This step must be repeated when you make changes to any of the C++ source code.
- cmake >= 2.8.5
- gcc >= 5.0.0 or clang >= 3.6.0
- LLVM, Clang, LLD development libraries == 11.x, compiled with the same gcc or clang version above
- Use the system package manager, or build from source.
- cmake >= 3.15.3
- Microsoft Visual Studio. Supported versions:
- 2017 (version 15.8)
- 2019 (version 16)
- LLVM, Clang, LLD development libraries == 11.x
- Use the pre-built binaries or build from source.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Need help? Troubleshooting Build Issues
brew install cmake llvm
brew outdated llvm || brew upgrade llvm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm)
make install
Stage 2: Build Self-Hosted Zig from Zig Source Code
Now we use the stage1 binary:
zig build --prefix $(pwd)/stage2 -Denable-llvm
This produces stage2/bin/zig
which can be used for testing and development.
Once it is feature complete, it will be used to build stage 3 - the final compiler
Stage 3: Rebuild Self-Hosted Zig Using the Self-Hosted Compiler
Note: Stage 2 compiler is not yet able to build Stage 3. Building Stage 3 is not yet supported.
Once the self-hosted compiler can build itself, this will be the actual compiler binary that we will install to the system. Until then, users should use stage 1.
Debug / Development Build
stage2/bin/zig build
This produces zig-cache/bin/zig
Release / Install Build
stage2/bin/zig build install -Drelease
The ultimate goal of the Zig project is to serve users. As a first-order effect, this means users of the compiler, helping programmers to write better code. Even more important, however, are the end users.
Zig is intended to be used to help end users accomplish their goals. For example, it would be inappropriate and offensive to use Zig to implement dark patterns and it would be shameful to utilize Zig to exploit people instead of benefit them.
However, such problems are best solved with social norms, not with software licenses. Any attempt to complicate the software license of Zig would risk compromising the value Zig provides to users.
Therefore, Zig is available under the MIT (Expat) License, and comes with a humble request: use it to make software better serve the needs of end users.