Igor Anić b1e70edd90 tar: find package root dir in pipeToFileSystem
While iterating over all files in tarball set root_dir in diagnostic if
there is single root in tarball. Will be used in package manager with
strip_components = 0 to find the root of the fetched package.
2024-04-03 19:44:51 +02:00

1162 lines
42 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

//! Tar archive is single ordinary file which can contain many files (or
//! directories, symlinks, ...). It's build by series of blocks each size of 512
//! bytes. First block of each entry is header which defines type, name, size
//! permissions and other attributes. Header is followed by series of blocks of
//! file content, if any that entry has content. Content is padded to the block
//! size, so next header always starts at block boundary.
//! This simple format is extended by GNU and POSIX pax extensions to support
//! file names longer than 256 bytes and additional attributes.
//! This is not comprehensive tar parser. Here we are only file types needed to
//! support Zig package manager; normal file, directory, symbolic link. And
//! subset of attributes: name, size, permissions.
//! GNU tar reference: https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Standard.html
//! pax reference: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/pax.html#tag_20_92_13
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
pub const output = @import("tar/output.zig");
/// Provide this to receive detailed error messages.
/// When this is provided, some errors which would otherwise be returned
/// immediately will instead be added to this structure. The API user must check
/// the errors in diagnostics to know whether the operation succeeded or failed.
pub const Diagnostics = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
errors: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Error) = .{},
root_entries: usize = 0,
root_dir: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub const Error = union(enum) {
unable_to_create_sym_link: struct {
code: anyerror,
file_name: []const u8,
link_name: []const u8,
unable_to_create_file: struct {
code: anyerror,
file_name: []const u8,
unsupported_file_type: struct {
file_name: []const u8,
file_type: Header.Kind,
fn findRoot(d: *Diagnostics, path: []const u8, kind: FileKind) !void {
if (rootDir(path)) |root_dir| {
d.root_entries += 1;
if (kind == .directory and d.root_entries == 1) {
d.root_dir = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, root_dir);
if (d.root_dir) |r| {
d.root_dir = null;
// If path is package root returns root_dir name, otherwise null.
fn rootDir(path: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
if (path.len == 0) return null;
const start_index: usize = if (path[0] == '/') 1 else 0;
const end_index: usize = if (path[path.len - 1] == '/') path.len - 1 else path.len;
const buf = path[start_index..end_index];
return if (std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, buf, 0, '/') == null)
test rootDir {
const expectEqualStrings = testing.expectEqualStrings;
const expect = testing.expect;
try expectEqualStrings("a", rootDir("a").?);
try expectEqualStrings("b", rootDir("b").?);
try expectEqualStrings("c", rootDir("/c").?);
try expectEqualStrings("d", rootDir("/d/").?);
try expect(rootDir("a/b") == null);
try expect(rootDir("") == null);
pub fn deinit(d: *Diagnostics) void {
for (d.errors.items) |item| {
switch (item) {
.unable_to_create_sym_link => |info| {
.unable_to_create_file => |info| {
.unsupported_file_type => |info| {
if (d.root_dir) |r| {
d.root_dir = null;
d.* = undefined;
/// pipeToFileSystem options
pub const PipeOptions = struct {
/// Number of directory levels to skip when extracting files.
strip_components: u32 = 0,
/// How to handle the "mode" property of files from within the tar file.
mode_mode: ModeMode = .executable_bit_only,
/// Prevents creation of empty directories.
exclude_empty_directories: bool = false,
/// Collects error messages during unpacking
diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null,
pub const ModeMode = enum {
/// The mode from the tar file is completely ignored. Files are created
/// with the default mode when creating files.
/// The mode from the tar file is inspected for the owner executable bit
/// only. This bit is copied to the group and other executable bits.
/// Other bits of the mode are left as the default when creating files.
const Header = struct {
const SIZE = 512;
const MAX_NAME_SIZE = 100 + 1 + 155; // name(100) + separator(1) + prefix(155)
const LINK_NAME_SIZE = 100;
bytes: *const [SIZE]u8,
const Kind = enum(u8) {
normal_alias = 0,
normal = '0',
hard_link = '1',
symbolic_link = '2',
character_special = '3',
block_special = '4',
directory = '5',
fifo = '6',
contiguous = '7',
global_extended_header = 'g',
extended_header = 'x',
// Types 'L' and 'K' are used by the GNU format for a meta file
// used to store the path or link name for the next file.
gnu_long_name = 'L',
gnu_long_link = 'K',
gnu_sparse = 'S',
solaris_extended_header = 'X',
/// Includes prefix concatenated, if any.
/// TODO: check against "../" and other nefarious things
pub fn fullName(header: Header, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 {
const n = name(header);
const p = prefix(header);
if (buffer.len < n.len + p.len + 1) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer;
if (!is_ustar(header) or p.len == 0) {
@memcpy(buffer[0..n.len], n);
return buffer[0..n.len];
@memcpy(buffer[0..p.len], p);
buffer[p.len] = '/';
@memcpy(buffer[p.len + 1 ..][0..n.len], n);
return buffer[0 .. p.len + 1 + n.len];
/// When kind is symbolic_link linked-to name (target_path) is specified in
/// the linkname field.
pub fn linkName(header: Header, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 {
const link_name = header.str(157, 100);
if (link_name.len == 0) {
return buffer[0..0];
if (buffer.len < link_name.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer;
const buf = buffer[0..link_name.len];
@memcpy(buf, link_name);
return buf;
pub fn name(header: Header) []const u8 {
return header.str(0, 100);
pub fn mode(header: Header) !u32 {
return @intCast(try header.octal(100, 8));
pub fn size(header: Header) !u64 {
const start = 124;
const len = 12;
const raw = header.bytes[start..][0..len];
// If the leading byte is 0xff (255), all the bytes of the field
// (including the leading byte) are concatenated in big-endian order,
// with the result being a negative number expressed in twos
// complement form.
if (raw[0] == 0xff) return error.TarNumericValueNegative;
// If the leading byte is 0x80 (128), the non-leading bytes of the
// field are concatenated in big-endian order.
if (raw[0] == 0x80) {
if (raw[1] != 0 or raw[2] != 0 or raw[3] != 0) return error.TarNumericValueTooBig;
return std.mem.readInt(u64, raw[4..12], .big);
return try header.octal(start, len);
pub fn chksum(header: Header) !u64 {
return header.octal(148, 8);
pub fn is_ustar(header: Header) bool {
const magic = header.bytes[257..][0..6];
return std.mem.eql(u8, magic[0..5], "ustar") and (magic[5] == 0 or magic[5] == ' ');
pub fn prefix(header: Header) []const u8 {
return header.str(345, 155);
pub fn kind(header: Header) Kind {
const result: Kind = @enumFromInt(header.bytes[156]);
if (result == .normal_alias) return .normal;
return result;
fn str(header: Header, start: usize, len: usize) []const u8 {
return nullStr(header.bytes[start .. start + len]);
fn octal(header: Header, start: usize, len: usize) !u64 {
const raw = header.bytes[start..][0..len];
// Zero-filled octal number in ASCII. Each numeric field of width w
// contains w minus 1 digits, and a null
const ltrimmed = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, raw, "0 ");
const rtrimmed = std.mem.trimRight(u8, ltrimmed, " \x00");
if (rtrimmed.len == 0) return 0;
return std.fmt.parseInt(u64, rtrimmed, 8) catch return error.TarHeader;
const Chksums = struct {
unsigned: u64,
signed: i64,
// Sum of all bytes in the header block. The chksum field is treated as if
// it were filled with spaces (ASCII 32).
fn computeChksum(header: Header) Chksums {
var cs: Chksums = .{ .signed = 0, .unsigned = 0 };
for (header.bytes, 0..) |v, i| {
const b = if (148 <= i and i < 156) 32 else v; // Treating chksum bytes as spaces.
cs.unsigned += b;
cs.signed += @as(i8, @bitCast(b));
return cs;
// Checks calculated chksum with value of chksum field.
// Returns error or valid chksum value.
// Zero value indicates empty block.
pub fn checkChksum(header: Header) !u64 {
const field = try header.chksum();
const cs = header.computeChksum();
if (field == 0 and cs.unsigned == 256) return 0;
if (field != cs.unsigned and field != cs.signed) return error.TarHeaderChksum;
return field;
// Breaks string on first null character.
fn nullStr(str: []const u8) []const u8 {
for (str, 0..) |c, i| {
if (c == 0) return str[0..i];
return str;
/// Options for iterator.
/// Buffers should be provided by the caller.
pub const IteratorOptions = struct {
/// Use a buffer with length `std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES` to match file system capabilities.
file_name_buffer: []u8,
/// Use a buffer with length `std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES` to match file system capabilities.
link_name_buffer: []u8,
/// Collects error messages during unpacking
diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null,
/// Iterates over files in tar archive.
/// `next` returns each file in tar archive.
pub fn iterator(reader: anytype, options: IteratorOptions) Iterator(@TypeOf(reader)) {
return .{
.reader = reader,
.diagnostics = options.diagnostics,
.file_name_buffer = options.file_name_buffer,
.link_name_buffer = options.link_name_buffer,
/// Type of the file returned by iterator `next` method.
pub const FileKind = enum {
/// Iteartor over entries in the tar file represented by reader.
pub fn Iterator(comptime ReaderType: type) type {
return struct {
reader: ReaderType,
diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null,
// buffers for heeader and file attributes
header_buffer: [Header.SIZE]u8 = undefined,
file_name_buffer: []u8,
link_name_buffer: []u8,
// bytes of padding to the end of the block
padding: usize = 0,
// not consumed bytes of file from last next iteration
unread_file_bytes: u64 = 0,
pub const File = struct {
name: []const u8, // name of file, symlink or directory
link_name: []const u8, // target name of symlink
size: u64 = 0, // size of the file in bytes
mode: u32 = 0,
kind: FileKind = .file,
unread_bytes: *u64,
parent_reader: ReaderType,
pub const Reader = std.io.Reader(File, ReaderType.Error, File.read);
pub fn reader(self: File) Reader {
return .{ .context = self };
pub fn read(self: File, dest: []u8) ReaderType.Error!usize {
const buf = dest[0..@min(dest.len, self.unread_bytes.*)];
const n = try self.parent_reader.read(buf);
self.unread_bytes.* -= n;
return n;
// Writes file content to writer.
pub fn writeAll(self: File, writer: anytype) !void {
var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined;
while (self.unread_bytes.* > 0) {
const buf = buffer[0..@min(buffer.len, self.unread_bytes.*)];
try self.parent_reader.readNoEof(buf);
try writer.writeAll(buf);
self.unread_bytes.* -= buf.len;
const Self = @This();
fn readHeader(self: *Self) !?Header {
if (self.padding > 0) {
try self.reader.skipBytes(self.padding, .{});
const n = try self.reader.readAll(&self.header_buffer);
if (n == 0) return null;
if (n < Header.SIZE) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream;
const header = Header{ .bytes = self.header_buffer[0..Header.SIZE] };
if (try header.checkChksum() == 0) return null;
return header;
fn readString(self: *Self, size: usize, buffer: []u8) ![]const u8 {
if (size > buffer.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer;
const buf = buffer[0..size];
try self.reader.readNoEof(buf);
return nullStr(buf);
fn newFile(self: *Self) File {
return .{
.name = self.file_name_buffer[0..0],
.link_name = self.link_name_buffer[0..0],
.parent_reader = self.reader,
.unread_bytes = &self.unread_file_bytes,
// Number of padding bytes in the last file block.
fn blockPadding(size: u64) usize {
const block_rounded = std.mem.alignForward(u64, size, Header.SIZE); // size rounded to te block boundary
return @intCast(block_rounded - size);
/// Iterates through the tar archive as if it is a series of files.
/// Internally, the tar format often uses entries (header with optional
/// content) to add meta data that describes the next file. These
/// entries should not normally be visible to the outside. As such, this
/// loop iterates through one or more entries until it collects a all
/// file attributes.
pub fn next(self: *Self) !?File {
if (self.unread_file_bytes > 0) {
// If file content was not consumed by caller
try self.reader.skipBytes(self.unread_file_bytes, .{});
self.unread_file_bytes = 0;
var file: File = self.newFile();
while (try self.readHeader()) |header| {
const kind = header.kind();
const size: u64 = try header.size();
self.padding = blockPadding(size);
switch (kind) {
// File types to retrun upstream
.directory, .normal, .symbolic_link => {
file.kind = switch (kind) {
.directory => .directory,
.normal => .file,
.symbolic_link => .sym_link,
else => unreachable,
file.mode = try header.mode();
// set file attributes if not already set by prefix/extended headers
if (file.size == 0) {
file.size = size;
if (file.link_name.len == 0) {
file.link_name = try header.linkName(self.link_name_buffer);
if (file.name.len == 0) {
file.name = try header.fullName(self.file_name_buffer);
self.padding = blockPadding(file.size);
self.unread_file_bytes = file.size;
return file;
// Prefix header types
.gnu_long_name => {
file.name = try self.readString(@intCast(size), self.file_name_buffer);
.gnu_long_link => {
file.link_name = try self.readString(@intCast(size), self.link_name_buffer);
.extended_header => {
// Use just attributes from last extended header.
file = self.newFile();
var rdr = paxIterator(self.reader, @intCast(size));
while (try rdr.next()) |attr| {
switch (attr.kind) {
.path => {
file.name = try attr.value(self.file_name_buffer);
.linkpath => {
file.link_name = try attr.value(self.link_name_buffer);
.size => {
var buf: [pax_max_size_attr_len]u8 = undefined;
file.size = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, try attr.value(&buf), 10);
// Ignored header type
.global_extended_header => {
self.reader.skipBytes(size, .{}) catch return error.TarHeadersTooBig;
// All other are unsupported header types
else => {
const d = self.diagnostics orelse return error.TarUnsupportedHeader;
try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unsupported_file_type = .{
.file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, header.name()),
.file_type = kind,
} });
if (kind == .gnu_sparse) {
try self.skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(header);
self.reader.skipBytes(size, .{}) catch return error.TarHeadersTooBig;
return null;
fn skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(self: *Self, header: Header) !void {
var is_extended = header.bytes[482] > 0;
while (is_extended) {
var buf: [Header.SIZE]u8 = undefined;
const n = try self.reader.readAll(&buf);
if (n < Header.SIZE) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream;
is_extended = buf[504] > 0;
/// Pax attributes iterator.
/// Size is length of pax extended header in reader.
fn paxIterator(reader: anytype, size: usize) PaxIterator(@TypeOf(reader)) {
return PaxIterator(@TypeOf(reader)){
.reader = reader,
.size = size,
const PaxAttributeKind = enum {
// maxInt(u64) has 20 chars, base 10 in practice we got 24 chars
const pax_max_size_attr_len = 64;
fn PaxIterator(comptime ReaderType: type) type {
return struct {
size: usize, // cumulative size of all pax attributes
reader: ReaderType,
// scratch buffer used for reading attribute length and keyword
scratch: [128]u8 = undefined,
const Self = @This();
const Attribute = struct {
kind: PaxAttributeKind,
len: usize, // length of the attribute value
reader: ReaderType, // reader positioned at value start
// Copies pax attribute value into destination buffer.
// Must be called with destination buffer of size at least Attribute.len.
pub fn value(self: Attribute, dst: []u8) ![]const u8 {
if (self.len > dst.len) return error.TarInsufficientBuffer;
// assert(self.len <= dst.len);
const buf = dst[0..self.len];
const n = try self.reader.readAll(buf);
if (n < self.len) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream;
try validateAttributeEnding(self.reader);
if (hasNull(buf)) return error.PaxNullInValue;
return buf;
// Iterates over pax attributes. Returns known only known attributes.
// Caller has to call value in Attribute, to advance reader across value.
pub fn next(self: *Self) !?Attribute {
// Pax extended header consists of one or more attributes, each constructed as follows:
// "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
while (self.size > 0) {
const length_buf = try self.readUntil(' ');
const length = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, length_buf, 10); // record length in bytes
const keyword = try self.readUntil('=');
if (hasNull(keyword)) return error.PaxNullInKeyword;
// calculate value_len
const value_start = length_buf.len + keyword.len + 2; // 2 separators
if (length < value_start + 1 or self.size < length) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream;
const value_len = length - value_start - 1; // \n separator at end
self.size -= length;
const kind: PaxAttributeKind = if (eql(keyword, "path"))
else if (eql(keyword, "linkpath"))
else if (eql(keyword, "size"))
else {
try self.reader.skipBytes(value_len, .{});
try validateAttributeEnding(self.reader);
if (kind == .size and value_len > pax_max_size_attr_len) {
return error.PaxSizeAttrOverflow;
return Attribute{
.kind = kind,
.len = value_len,
.reader = self.reader,
return null;
fn readUntil(self: *Self, delimiter: u8) ![]const u8 {
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&self.scratch);
try self.reader.streamUntilDelimiter(fbs.writer(), delimiter, null);
return fbs.getWritten();
fn eql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
return std.mem.eql(u8, a, b);
fn hasNull(str: []const u8) bool {
return (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, str, 0)) != null;
// Checks that each record ends with new line.
fn validateAttributeEnding(reader: ReaderType) !void {
if (try reader.readByte() != '\n') return error.PaxInvalidAttributeEnd;
/// Saves tar file content to the file systems.
pub fn pipeToFileSystem(dir: std.fs.Dir, reader: anytype, options: PipeOptions) !void {
var file_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var link_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var iter = iterator(reader, .{
.file_name_buffer = &file_name_buffer,
.link_name_buffer = &link_name_buffer,
.diagnostics = options.diagnostics,
while (try iter.next()) |file| {
const file_name = stripComponents(file.name, options.strip_components);
if (options.diagnostics) |d| {
try d.findRoot(file_name, file.kind);
switch (file.kind) {
.directory => {
if (file_name.len != 0 and !options.exclude_empty_directories) {
try dir.makePath(file_name);
.file => {
if (file_name.len == 0) return error.BadFileName;
if (createDirAndFile(dir, file_name, fileMode(file.mode, options))) |fs_file| {
defer fs_file.close();
try file.writeAll(fs_file);
} else |err| {
const d = options.diagnostics orelse return err;
try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unable_to_create_file = .{
.code = err,
.file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, file_name),
} });
.sym_link => {
if (file_name.len == 0) return error.BadFileName;
const link_name = file.link_name;
createDirAndSymlink(dir, link_name, file_name) catch |err| {
const d = options.diagnostics orelse return error.UnableToCreateSymLink;
try d.errors.append(d.allocator, .{ .unable_to_create_sym_link = .{
.code = err,
.file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, file_name),
.link_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8, link_name),
} });
fn createDirAndFile(dir: std.fs.Dir, file_name: []const u8, mode: std.fs.File.Mode) !std.fs.File {
const fs_file = dir.createFile(file_name, .{ .exclusive = true, .mode = mode }) catch |err| {
if (err == error.FileNotFound) {
if (std.fs.path.dirname(file_name)) |dir_name| {
try dir.makePath(dir_name);
return try dir.createFile(file_name, .{ .exclusive = true, .mode = mode });
return err;
return fs_file;
// Creates a symbolic link at path `file_name` which points to `link_name`.
fn createDirAndSymlink(dir: std.fs.Dir, link_name: []const u8, file_name: []const u8) !void {
dir.symLink(link_name, file_name, .{}) catch |err| {
if (err == error.FileNotFound) {
if (std.fs.path.dirname(file_name)) |dir_name| {
try dir.makePath(dir_name);
return try dir.symLink(link_name, file_name, .{});
return err;
fn stripComponents(path: []const u8, count: u32) []const u8 {
var i: usize = 0;
var c = count;
while (c > 0) : (c -= 1) {
if (std.mem.indexOfScalarPos(u8, path, i, '/')) |pos| {
i = pos + 1;
} else {
i = path.len;
return path[i..];
test stripComponents {
const expectEqualStrings = testing.expectEqualStrings;
try expectEqualStrings("a/b/c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 0));
try expectEqualStrings("b/c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 1));
try expectEqualStrings("c", stripComponents("a/b/c", 2));
try expectEqualStrings("", stripComponents("a/b/c", 3));
try expectEqualStrings("", stripComponents("a/b/c", 4));
test PaxIterator {
const Attr = struct {
kind: PaxAttributeKind,
value: []const u8 = undefined,
err: ?anyerror = null,
const cases = [_]struct {
data: []const u8,
attrs: []const Attr,
err: ?anyerror = null,
.{ // valid but unknown keys
.data =
\\30 mtime=1350244992.023960108
\\6 k=1
\\13 key1=val1
\\10 a=name
\\9 a=name
.attrs = &[_]Attr{},
.{ // mix of known and unknown keys
.data =
\\6 k=1
\\13 path=name
\\17 linkpath=link
\\13 key1=val1
\\12 size=123
\\13 key2=val2
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" },
.{ .kind = .linkpath, .value = "link" },
.{ .kind = .size, .value = "123" },
.{ // too short size of the second key-value pair
.data =
\\13 path=name
\\10 linkpath=value
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" },
.err = error.UnexpectedEndOfStream,
.{ // too long size of the second key-value pair
.data =
\\13 path=name
\\6 k=1
\\19 linkpath=value
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" },
.err = error.UnexpectedEndOfStream,
.{ // too long size of the second key-value pair
.data =
\\13 path=name
\\19 linkpath=value
\\6 k=1
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" },
.{ .kind = .linkpath, .err = error.PaxInvalidAttributeEnd },
.{ // null in keyword is not valid
.data = "13 path=name\n" ++ "7 k\x00b=1\n",
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "name" },
.err = error.PaxNullInKeyword,
.{ // null in value is not valid
.data = "23 path=name\x00with null\n",
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .err = error.PaxNullInValue },
.{ // 1000 characters path
.data = "1011 path=" ++ "0123456789" ** 100 ++ "\n",
.attrs = &[_]Attr{
.{ .kind = .path, .value = "0123456789" ** 100 },
var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
outer: for (cases) |case| {
var stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(case.data);
var iter = paxIterator(stream.reader(), case.data.len);
var i: usize = 0;
while (iter.next() catch |err| {
if (case.err) |e| {
try testing.expectEqual(e, err);
return err;
}) |attr| : (i += 1) {
const exp = case.attrs[i];
try testing.expectEqual(exp.kind, attr.kind);
const value = attr.value(&buffer) catch |err| {
if (exp.err) |e| {
try testing.expectEqual(e, err);
break :outer;
return err;
try testing.expectEqualStrings(exp.value, value);
try testing.expectEqual(case.attrs.len, i);
try testing.expect(case.err == null);
test {
_ = @import("tar/test.zig");
_ = Diagnostics;
test "header parse size" {
const cases = [_]struct {
in: []const u8,
want: u64 = 0,
err: ?anyerror = null,
// Test base-256 (binary) encoded values.
.{ .in = "", .want = 0 },
.{ .in = "\x80", .want = 0 },
.{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", .want = 1 },
.{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02", .want = 0x0102 },
.{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", .want = 0x0102030405060708 },
.{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09", .err = error.TarNumericValueTooBig },
.{ .in = "\x80\x00\x00\x00\x07\x76\xa2\x22\xeb\x8a\x72\x61", .want = 537795476381659745 },
.{ .in = "\x80\x80\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08", .err = error.TarNumericValueTooBig },
// // Test base-8 (octal) encoded values.
.{ .in = "00000000227\x00", .want = 0o227 },
.{ .in = " 000000227\x00", .want = 0o227 },
.{ .in = "00000000228\x00", .err = error.TarHeader },
.{ .in = "11111111111\x00", .want = 0o11111111111 },
for (cases) |case| {
var bytes = [_]u8{0} ** Header.SIZE;
@memcpy(bytes[124 .. 124 + case.in.len], case.in);
var header = Header{ .bytes = &bytes };
if (case.err) |err| {
try testing.expectError(err, header.size());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(case.want, try header.size());
test "header parse mode" {
const cases = [_]struct {
in: []const u8,
want: u64 = 0,
err: ?anyerror = null,
.{ .in = "0000644\x00", .want = 0o644 },
.{ .in = "0000777\x00", .want = 0o777 },
.{ .in = "7777777\x00", .want = 0o7777777 },
.{ .in = "7777778\x00", .err = error.TarHeader },
.{ .in = "77777777", .want = 0o77777777 },
.{ .in = "777777777777", .want = 0o77777777 },
for (cases) |case| {
var bytes = [_]u8{0} ** Header.SIZE;
@memcpy(bytes[100 .. 100 + case.in.len], case.in);
var header = Header{ .bytes = &bytes };
if (case.err) |err| {
try testing.expectError(err, header.mode());
} else {
try testing.expectEqual(case.want, try header.mode());
test "create file and symlink" {
var root = testing.tmpDir(.{});
defer root.cleanup();
var file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "file1", default_mode);
file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "a/b/c/file2", default_mode);
createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "a/b/c/file2", "symlink1") catch |err| {
// On Windows when developer mode is not enabled
if (err == error.AccessDenied) return error.SkipZigTest;
return err;
try createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "../../../file1", "d/e/f/symlink2");
// Danglink symlnik, file created later
try createDirAndSymlink(root.dir, "../../../g/h/i/file4", "j/k/l/symlink3");
file = try createDirAndFile(root.dir, "g/h/i/file4", default_mode);
test iterator {
// Example tar file is created from this tree structure:
// $ tree example
// example
// ├── a
// │   └── file
// ├── b
// │   └── symlink -> ../a/file
// └── empty
// $ cat example/a/file
// content
// $ tar -cf example.tar example
// $ tar -tvf example.tar
// example/
// example/b/
// example/b/symlink -> ../a/file
// example/a/
// example/a/file
// example/empty/
const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar");
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data);
// User provided buffers to the iterator
var file_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var link_name_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
// Create iterator
var iter = iterator(fbs.reader(), .{
.file_name_buffer = &file_name_buffer,
.link_name_buffer = &link_name_buffer,
// Iterate over files in example.tar
var file_no: usize = 0;
while (try iter.next()) |file| : (file_no += 1) {
switch (file.kind) {
.directory => {
switch (file_no) {
0 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/", file.name),
1 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/b/", file.name),
3 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/a/", file.name),
5 => try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/empty/", file.name),
else => unreachable,
.file => {
try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/a/file", file.name);
// Read file content
var buf: [16]u8 = undefined;
const n = try file.reader().readAll(&buf);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("content\n", buf[0..n]);
.sym_link => {
try testing.expectEqualStrings("example/b/symlink", file.name);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("../a/file", file.link_name);
test pipeToFileSystem {
// Example tar file is created from this tree structure:
// $ tree example
// example
// ├── a
// │   └── file
// ├── b
// │   └── symlink -> ../a/file
// └── empty
// $ cat example/a/file
// content
// $ tar -cf example.tar example
// $ tar -tvf example.tar
// example/
// example/b/
// example/b/symlink -> ../a/file
// example/a/
// example/a/file
// example/empty/
const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar");
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data);
const reader = fbs.reader();
var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
defer tmp.cleanup();
const dir = tmp.dir;
// Save tar from `reader` to the file system `dir`
pipeToFileSystem(dir, reader, .{
.mode_mode = .ignore,
.strip_components = 1,
.exclude_empty_directories = true,
}) catch |err| {
// Skip on platform which don't support symlinks
if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest;
return err;
try testing.expectError(error.FileNotFound, dir.statFile("empty"));
try testing.expect((try dir.statFile("a/file")).kind == .file);
try testing.expect((try dir.statFile("b/symlink")).kind == .file); // statFile follows symlink
var buf: [32]u8 = undefined;
try testing.expectEqualSlices(
normalizePath(try dir.readLink("b/symlink", &buf)),
test "pipeToFileSystem root_dir" {
const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar");
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data);
const reader = fbs.reader();
// with strip_components = 1
var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
defer tmp.cleanup();
var diagnostics: Diagnostics = .{ .allocator = testing.allocator };
defer diagnostics.deinit();
pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{
.strip_components = 1,
.diagnostics = &diagnostics,
}) catch |err| {
// Skip on platform which don't support symlinks
if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest;
return err;
// there is no root_dir
try testing.expect(diagnostics.root_dir == null);
try testing.expectEqual(3, diagnostics.root_entries);
// with strip_components = 0
var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
defer tmp.cleanup();
var diagnostics: Diagnostics = .{ .allocator = testing.allocator };
defer diagnostics.deinit();
pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{
.strip_components = 0,
.diagnostics = &diagnostics,
}) catch |err| {
// Skip on platform which don't support symlinks
if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest;
return err;
// root_dir found
try testing.expectEqualStrings("example", diagnostics.root_dir.?);
try testing.expectEqual(1, diagnostics.root_entries);
fn normalizePath(bytes: []u8) []u8 {
const canonical_sep = std.fs.path.sep_posix;
if (std.fs.path.sep == canonical_sep) return bytes;
std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, bytes, std.fs.path.sep, canonical_sep);
return bytes;
const default_mode = std.fs.File.default_mode;
// File system mode based on tar header mode and mode_mode options.
fn fileMode(mode: u32, options: PipeOptions) std.fs.File.Mode {
if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit or options.mode_mode == .ignore)
return default_mode;
const S = std.posix.S;
// The mode from the tar file is inspected for the owner executable bit.
if (mode & S.IXUSR == 0)
return default_mode;
// This bit is copied to the group and other executable bits.
// Other bits of the mode are left as the default when creating files.
return default_mode | S.IXUSR | S.IXGRP | S.IXOTH;
test fileMode {
if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit) return error.SkipZigTest;
try testing.expectEqual(default_mode, fileMode(0o744, PipeOptions{ .mode_mode = .ignore }));
try testing.expectEqual(0o777, fileMode(0o744, PipeOptions{}));
try testing.expectEqual(0o666, fileMode(0o644, PipeOptions{}));
try testing.expectEqual(0o666, fileMode(0o655, PipeOptions{}));
test "executable bit" {
if (!std.fs.has_executable_bit) return error.SkipZigTest;
const S = std.posix.S;
const data = @embedFile("tar/testdata/example.tar");
for ([_]PipeOptions.ModeMode{ .ignore, .executable_bit_only }) |opt| {
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data);
const reader = fbs.reader();
var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
//defer tmp.cleanup();
pipeToFileSystem(tmp.dir, reader, .{
.strip_components = 1,
.exclude_empty_directories = true,
.mode_mode = opt,
}) catch |err| {
// Skip on platform which don't support symlinks
if (err == error.UnableToCreateSymLink) return error.SkipZigTest;
return err;
const fs = try tmp.dir.statFile("a/file");
try testing.expect(fs.kind == .file);
if (opt == .executable_bit_only) {
// Executable bit is set for user, group and others
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXUSR > 0);
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXGRP > 0);
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXOTH > 0);
if (opt == .ignore) {
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXUSR == 0);
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXGRP == 0);
try testing.expect(fs.mode & S.IXOTH == 0);